

python Programming Glossary: np.isnan

What is the difference between NaN and None?


has been using numpy.isnan for k v in my_dict.iteritems if np.isnan v But this gives me an error saying that I cannot use this check..

How can I plot NaN values as a special color with imshow in matplotlib?


a masked array to do this masked_array np.ma.array a mask np.isnan a cmap matplotlib.cm.jet cmap.set_bad 'w' 1. ax.imshow masked_array..

NumPy: calculate averages with NaNs removed


4 5 nan nan 6 nan nan nan nan mdat np.ma.masked_array dat np.isnan dat mm np.mean mdat axis 1 print mm.filled np.nan # the desired.. size 50 dat ii np.nan method1 mdat np.ma.masked_array dat np.isnan dat mm np.mean mdat axis 1 mm.filled np.nan N 2 t1 Timer method1.. setupstr .timeit N t2 Timer np.mean l for l in d if not np.isnan l for d in dat setupstr .timeit N t3 Timer np.array r np.isfinite..

Fast check for NaN in NumPy


for the occurrence of NaN np.nan in a NumPy array X . np.isnan X is out of the question since it builds a boolean array of.. faster to use numpy.sum in place of numpy.min In 13 timeit np.isnan np.min x 1000 loops best of 3 244 us per loop In 14 timeit np.isnan.. np.min x 1000 loops best of 3 244 us per loop In 14 timeit np.isnan np.sum x 10000 loops best of 3 97.3 us per loop Unlike min sum..