

python Programming Glossary: np.argmax

Is there any numpy autocorrellation function with standardized output?


def autocorr x result np.correlate x x mode 'full' maxcorr np.argmax result #print 'maximum ' result maxcorr result result result.. def autocorr x result np.correlate x x mode 'full' maxcorr np.argmax result # print 'maximum ' result maxcorr result result result..

Finding the row with the highest average in a numpy array


np.array ... 0 1 2 4 ... 1 0 3 5 ... 2 3 0 6 ... 4 5 6 0 np.argmax np.mean complete_matrix axis 1 3 Reference numpy.mean numpy.argmax..

RAM full in numpy sagemath


sum CD c W np.append W frec if perco is True posicion np.argmax D D np.delete D posicion W np.delete W posicion if len D 0 and..

how to extract frequency associated with fft values in python


# 0.5 0.499975 # Find the peak in the coefficients idx np.argmax np.abs w 2 freq freqs idx freq_in_hertz abs freq frate print..

find the most frequent number in a numpy vector


generated numpy.bincount.html and then probably use np.argmax a np.array 1 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 3 2 2 1 counts np.bincount a print.. 1 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 3 2 2 1 counts np.bincount a print np.argmax counts For a more complicated list that perhaps contains negative..

How to get indices of N maximum values in a numpy array?


way to get the index of the maximum value of an array via np.argmax . I would like a similar thing but returning the indexes of..

Python OpenCV - Find black areas in a binary image


fitting ellipse. centre axes angle cv2.fitEllipse c MAJ np.argmax axes # this is MAJor axis 1 or 0 MIN 1 MAJ # 0 or 1 minor axis..