

python Programming Glossary: notimplementederror

What?™s the point of inheritance in Python?


case for a moment class Animal object def speak self raise NotImplementedError class Dog Animal def speak self print woff class Cat Animal.. abstract function class Animal object def speak self raise NotImplementedError def speak_twice self self.speak self.speak class Dog Animal..

Equivalent of NotImplementedError for fields in Python


of NotImplementedError for fields in Python In Python 2.x when you want to mark a.. you can define it like so class Base def foo self raise NotImplementedError Subclasses should implement this Then if you forget to override.. this class Base object @property def example self raise NotImplementedError Subclasses should implement this Running the following produces..

Python When I catch an exception, how do I get the type, file, and line number?


share improve this question import sys os try raise NotImplementedError No error except Exception as e exc_type exc_obj exc_tb sys.exc_info..

Multiple Windows in PyQt4


QtGui.QMainWindow windowList def __init__ self param raise NotImplementedError def addwindow self param win MainWindow param # How to call..

Python state-machine design


class SuperState object def someStatefulMethod self raise NotImplementedError def transitionRule self input raise NotImplementedError class.. NotImplementedError def transitionRule self input raise NotImplementedError class SomeState SuperState def someStatefulMethod self actually..

Difference between abstract class and interface in Python


methods you're expected to supply. def aMethod self raise NotImplementedError Should have implemented this Because Python doesn't have and..

Practical example of Polymorphism


self # Abstract method defined by convention only raise NotImplementedError Subclass must implement abstract method class Cat Animal def.. For your example class Person object def pay_bill raise NotImplementedError class Millionare Person def pay_bill print Here you go Keep..

Textually diffing JSON


self isjunk None a '' b '' if isjunk is not None raise NotImplementedError 'Currently we do not support' ' isjunk for sequence matching'..

How to parallelize list-comprehension calculations in Python?


multiprocessing try cpus multiprocessing.cpu_count except NotImplementedError cpus 2 # arbitrary default def square n return n n pool multiprocessing.Pool..

Font module error when using pygame2exe


__init__ File pygame __init__.pyo line 70 in __getattr__ NotImplementedError font module not available ImportError MemoryLoadLibrary failed..

Python difflib: highlighting differences inline?


del seqm.a a0 a1 del elif opcode 'replace' raise NotImplementedError what to do with 'replace' opcode else raise RuntimeError unexpected..

Why return NotImplemented instead of raising NotImplementedError


return NotImplemented instead of raising NotImplementedError I just found out python has a singleton called NotImplemented.. someone want to ever return it instead of raising the NotImplementedError exception Won't it just make it harder to find bugs such as..

convert list to string to insert into my sql in one row in python scrapy


py2.7.egg scrapy spider.py line 62 in parse raise NotImplementedError exceptions.NotImplementedError Can someone help me with this.. line 62 in parse raise NotImplementedError exceptions.NotImplementedError Can someone help me with this error. I am stuck at this. python..