

python Programming Glossary: np.apply_along_axis

Using numpy.take for faster fancy indexing


with flatten and similar methods as np.apply_over_axes or np.apply_along_axis that seem to be promising. I used this code below to generate..

Fitting a 3D array of data to a 1D function with numpy or scipy


numpy scipy fit share improve this question Using np.apply_along_axis solves your problem. Just do this func1d lambda y args optimize.curve_fit.. f xdata x ydata y args 0 # 0 to get only popt param np.apply_along_axis func1d axis 2 arr data See the example below from scipy import..

How to apply numpy.linalg.norm to each row of a matrix?


similarly of course. It is considerably faster than np.apply_along_axis though perhaps not as convenient In 48 timeit np.apply_along_axis.. though perhaps not as convenient In 48 timeit np.apply_along_axis np.linalg.norm 1 x 1000 loops best of 3 208 us per loop In 49.. computed directly too with similar speedups In 55 timeit np.apply_along_axis lambda row np.linalg.norm row ord 1 1 x 1000 loops best of 3..