

python Programming Glossary: nowadays

How do you send a HEAD HTTP request in Python?


share improve this question edit This answer works but nowadays you should just use the requests library as mentioned by other..

python script to windows exe


are up to 6 years ago I'll reask the question. What is nowadays the common way to create an exe from a python script If I'm..

Do you use the “global” statement in Python?


when I was a Python beginner I used global a lot and how nowadays years later I don't use it at all ever. I even consider it a..

How to cleanly keep below 80-char width with long strings?


I'm attempting to keep my code to 80 chars or less nowadays as I think it looks more aesthetically pleasing for the most..

Find out into how many values a return value will be unpacked


Any ideas Disclaimer because this seems to be neccessary nowadays I know this is funky and bad practice and shouldn't be used..

What do you wish you'd known about when you started learning Python? [closed]


built ins and the core parts of the standard library e.g. nowadays sys itertools collections copy ... you'll be reinventing the..

using DES/3DES with python


that neither DES nor 3DES are considered paritcularly safe nowadays there are many better alternatives AES in the first place if..

Python html parsing that actually works


There were some methods that actually worked before... but nowadays there's nothing I can actually use without workarounds. beautifulsoup..

debugging python web service


seems to be deprecated. Correct way to debug with urllib2 nowadays is import urllib2 request urllib2.Request 'http diveintomark.org..

How to serialize SqlAlchemy result to JSON?


it It's very common task to serialize ORM query results nowadays. What I need is just to return JSON or XML data representation..

How to adapt the Singleton pattern? (Deprecation warning)


is still providing some use even if it does need tweaking nowadays. You need to drop any additional arguments you are passing when..

PyQt or PySide - which one to use [closed]


old feature comparisons but what differences are there nowadays Which one is easier to use has more better documentation Are..

Inheritance and Overriding __init__ in python


respect to subclass built in classes. It looks like this nowadays. class FileInfo dict store file metadata def __init__ self filename..

Python configuration file: Any file format recommendation? INI format still appropriate? Seems quite old school


if the INI file format is really still appropriate nowadays Does there exist a more up to date format or is INI still the..