

python Programming Glossary: np.allclose

Comparing two numpy arrays for equality


A B # test if broadcastable shape same elements values np.allclose A B ... # test if same shape elements have close enough values..

Convolution of two three dimensional arrays with padding on one side too slow


N N C1 numba_convolution A B C2 fft_convolution A B assert np.allclose C1 1 1 1 C2 t Timer lambda numba_convolution A B nt.append t.timeit..

Why is numpy's einsum faster than numpy's built in functions?


'ijk ' arr_3D 10 loops best of 3 70.2 ms per loop Powers np.allclose arr_3D arr_3D arr_3D np.einsum 'ijk ijk ijk ijk' arr_3D arr_3D.. . I would expect the speed up in an operation like this np.allclose np.sum arr_2D arr_3D np.einsum 'ij oij ' arr_2D arr_3D True.. that are equivalent The DGEMM case for completeness np.allclose np.dot arr_2D arr_2D np.einsum 'ij jk' arr_2D arr_2D True timeit..

Why is x**3 slower than x*x*x? [duplicate]


as I can tell all three yield the same output checked with np.allclose . python numpy share improve this question As per this..

Use numpy array in shared memory for multiprocessing


slice i i step for i in range stop_f N step p.join assert np.allclose 1 M tonumpyarray shared_arr arr_orig def init shared_arr_ global..