

python Programming Glossary: np.abs

How to generate audio from a numpy array?


random samples between 1 and 1 scaled np.int16 data np.max np.abs data 32767 write 'test.wav' 44100 scaled If you want Python..

These spectrum bands used to be judged by eye, how to do it programmatically?


in ts to this starting point is... start_index np.argmin np.abs ts start_point # Find the local maxima in our data by looking.. to our starting point index_of_peak maxes np.argmin np.abs maxes start_index print Peak centre at .3f ts index_of_peak.. technique as above hm_left_indices np.diff np.sign np.diff np.abs xs index_of_peak half_max 0 .nonzero 0 1 # Add index_of_peak..

Python/matplotlib : plotting a 3d cube, a sphere and a vector?


e in combinations np.array list product r r r 2 if np.sum np.abs s e r 1 r 0 ax.plot3D zip s e color b #draw sphere u v np.mgrid..

RAM full in numpy sagemath


S_nuevo tipos_nuevo 1. componente_longitudinal Longitud np.abs np.cos array_angle comp_y np.append comp_y sum componente_longitudinal.. componente_longitudinal N componente_transversal Longitud np.abs np.sin array_angle comp_x np.append comp_x sum componente_transversal..

find nearest value in numpy array


import numpy as np def find_nearest array value idx np.abs array value .argmin return array idx array np.random.random..

Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) Interpolation with Python


invdisttree.wn # see Wikipedia Zipf's law err np.abs terrain ask interpol print average terrain interpolated .2g..

how to extract frequency associated with fft values in python


0.499975 # Find the peak in the coefficients idx np.argmax np.abs w 2 freq freqs idx freq_in_hertz abs freq frate print freq_in_hertz..

View onto a numpy array?


functions take an out parameter so you can do things like np.abs x x to take the absolute value of x in place. As a second edit..

Recreating time series data using FFT results without using ifft


the full range of frequency coefficients. When I plotted np.abs Y it looked like there were significant values in the upper..

Is it possible to specify your own distance function using Scikits.Learn K-Means Clustering?


metric may increase weight of near matches see ... return np.abs x y q .mean if y is not None else np.abs x q .mean #................................................................................. see ... return np.abs x y q .mean if y is not None else np.abs x q .mean #.................................................................................

Python/Numpy - Quickly Find the Index in an Array Closest to Some Value


the smaller number ind ind 1 return ind def f2 t x return np.abs t x .argmin print t ' n' x ' n' print f1 t x ' n' f2 t x ' n'..

How to apply numpy.linalg.norm to each row of a matrix?


using the axis 1 argument to sum along rows np.sum np.abs x 2 axis 1 1. 2 Lp norms can be computed similarly of course... x 1000 loops best of 3 208 us per loop In 49 timeit np.sum np.abs x 2 axis 1 1. 2 100000 loops best of 3 18.3 us per loop Other..