

python Programming Glossary: notimplemented

Which classes cannot be subclassed?


bool True False see Guido's comments NoneType None NotImplementedType NotImplemented ellipsis Ellipsis There may be cases other.. see Guido's comments NoneType None NotImplementedType NotImplemented ellipsis Ellipsis There may be cases other than the Singleton..

python NotImplemented constant


NotImplemented constant Looking thru decimal.py and it uses NotImplemented.. constant Looking thru decimal.py and it uses NotImplemented at many special methods e.g. class A object def __lt__ self.. methods e.g. class A object def __lt__ self a return NotImplemented def __add__ self a return NotImplemented Python docs says NotImplemented..

Equivalent of NotImplementedError for fields in Python


of NotImplementedError for fields in Python In Python 2.x when you want to mark.. you can define it like so class Base def foo self raise NotImplementedError Subclasses should implement this Then if you forget to.. all you can do At first I thought I could set the field to NotImplemented but when I looked up what it's actually for rich comparisons..

When is “i += x” different from “i = i + x” in Python?


y if x.__add__ isn't implemented or if x.__add__ y returns NotImplemented and x and y have different types then x y tries to call y.__radd__..

How do Python comparison operators < and > work with a function name as an operand?


object has no attribute '__gt__' 9e9 .__lt__ foo NotImplemented python share improve this question But none of these methods..

Python 3 __getattr__ behaving differently than in Python 2?


args args 0 .int_ args 1 ret r args kwargs if ret is NotImplemented return ret if attribute_name in '__str__' '__repr__' '__index__'..

Why/When in Python does `x==y` call `y.__eq__(x)`?


x.__op__ y is tried. If this is not implemented or returns NotImplemented y.__rop__ x is tried. If this is also not implemented or returns.. x is tried. If this is also not implemented or returns NotImplemented a TypeError exception is raised. But see the following exception..

Using class/static methods as default parameter values within methods of the same class


called. I guess I could use some other value like False or NotImplemented but it seems a hackety b annoying to have to write an extra..

How to make an immutable object in Python?


.format self.a self.b def __setattr__ self ignored return NotImplemented def __delattr__ self ignored return NotImplemented But then.. return NotImplemented def __delattr__ self ignored return NotImplemented But then you have access to the a and b variables through self..

Multiplying polynomials in python


co for co in self.coeffs def __pow__ self y z None raise NotImplemented def _radd__ self val Return val self return self val def __repr__..

What's an example use case for a Python classmethod?


def from_socket cls socket ignore_comments False raise NotImplemented # Placeholder until implemented def __init__ self iterable ignore_comments..

In Python, when should I use a function instead of a method?


would become class container ... def len self raise NotImplemented Though thinking about it some more I don't see why all syntactic..

Why return NotImplemented instead of raising NotImplementedError


return NotImplemented instead of raising NotImplementedError I just found out python.. return NotImplemented instead of raising NotImplementedError I just found out python has a singleton called NotImplemented.. I just found out python has a singleton called NotImplemented . Why would someone want to ever return it instead of raising..