

python Programming Glossary: unique_together

Prevent multiple form submissions in Django


to force the uniqueness on database level you should use unique_together. Lastly HTTPRedirect is best The the method I use when a user..

Django unique together constraint failure?


models.SlugField max_length 40 unique False class Meta unique_together foreign_key slug I even checked the table description in Postgres.. MO slug python .save MO slug python .save So after using unique_together why can I still input three of the same valued rows I'm just.. value of None for the foreign_key field because before the unique_together when I just had unique True on slug everything worked fine...

Handling race condition in model.save()


OrderedList position models.IntegerField class Meta unique_together 'parent' 'position' 'parent' 'name' def save self args kwargs..

Django: How to override unique_together error message?


How to override unique_together error message In a model's Meta class I define a unique_together... error message In a model's Meta class I define a unique_together. I have a ModelForm based on this model. When I call is_valid.. on this ModelForm an error will automatically raised if unique_together validation fails. That's all good. Now my problem is that I'm..

Django : get_or_create Raises duplicate entry with together_unique


True ... #auto_now_add True was the problem class Meta unique_together 'numeric' 'date' If 72 and '2011 08 07' is already stored Example.object.get_or_create..

Django dynamic model fields


User related_name 'custom_data' class Meta unique_together 'user' 'custom_field' This leads to the following use custom_field..