

python Programming Glossary: unneeded

Trim whitespace using PIL


as I can have some jpeg compression artifacts and unneeded huge shadows. May be PIL has some built in functions for it..

Python multiprocessing shared memory


The reference counting for l1 l2 and l3 is actually unneeded in my program. This is because l1 l2 and l3 will be kept in..

Python linked list O(1) insert/remove


results with most people just saying that linked lists are unneeded in python pfft . PS I need to insert and remove from anywhere..

Using QTDesigner with PyQT and Python 2.6


where the instance of Ui_MyMainWindow lays and it avoids unneeded inheritance. Personally I make _connectSlots and _initIntefrace..

Replacing a Django image doesn't delete original


the database. Shouldn't replacing an image also remove the unneeded file from disk Instead I see that it keeps the original and..

Python namespacing and classes


I need them class definition that's inside is scoped with unneeded module. How should I do it What is 'Python' way to do that ..

Elegant ways to return multiple values from a function


Neither of these solutions allow the caller to ignore unneeded return types. The one language I'm aware of that handles multiple..

Generating pdf-latex with python script


command here too to add printing to the workflow. Remove unneeded files os.unlink 'cover.tex' os.unlink 'cover.log' The script..