

python Programming Glossary: units

find length of sequences of identical values in a numpy array


at time t and the timespan of my data is len d time units . The events I'm interested in are when the distance is below..

when to commit data in ZODB


is persistent object that has changed the ZODB works in units of persistent objects . Not every python value is a persistent..

How do I convert (or scale) axis values and redefine the tick frequency in matplotlib?


have to compute what the tick marks are relative to the units i.e. pixels of your original plot since you're using imshow.. That may give you a few more options for specifying the units of your image. For tutorials you would do well to look through..

how to load an image to a grid using pygame, instead of just using a fill color?


a 2d numpy.array that stores tile's id If you want to add units sprites that are on top of the tilemap Your buildings might..

python: Help to implement an algorithm to find the minimum-area-rectangle for given points in order to compute the major and minor axis length


and point 7 is rightmost yielding an area of 187.451 units. Note that the code uses mostfar to advance each index. The..

Matplotlib: Aligning y-ticks to the left


True # re size first the shift needs to be in display units plt.draw # this is needed because get_window_extent needs a..

Unit Conversion in Python


idea is that a user should be able to enter data using any units that they need to. I've been looking at both units http pypi.python.org.. any units that they need to. I've been looking at both units http pypi.python.org pypi units and quantities http pypi.python.org.. I've been looking at both units http pypi.python.org pypi units and quantities http pypi.python.org pypi quantities However..

floating point equality in Python and in general


code will print 1.0 1.0 False But if you replace factors units_from with 10.0 and factors units_to with 1.0 2.54 it will print.. if you replace factors units_from with 10.0 and factors units_to with 1.0 2.54 it will print 1.0 1.0 True # usr bin env python.. 5280 5.87849981e12 # convert 25.4 mm to inches val 25.4 units_from 'mm' units_to 'in' base_value val factors units_from ret..

Python Module Initialization Order?


variable would be initialized first across compilation units thus a global static variable depending on another one in different.. variable depending on another one in different compilation units might be initialized earlier than its dependency counterparts.. variable would be initialized first across compilation units I think that statement highlights a key difference between Python..

matplotlib Update a Plot


redrawing the figure here. I allow the user to specify the units in the time scale x axis and then I recalculate and call this..

Is there a way to Convert Number words to Integers? Python


first call. def text2int textnum numwords if not numwords units zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven.. trillion numwords and 1 0 for idx word in enumerate units numwords word 1 idx for idx word in enumerate tens numwords..

Django Passing Custom Form Parameters to Formset


rate forms.DecimalField widget custom_widgets.SmallField units forms.IntegerField min_value 1 widget custom_widgets.SmallField..