

python Programming Glossary: unittest.main

Run all unit test in Python directory


all my testing modules in the file and then call this unittest.main doodad it will work right Well turns out wrong. import glob.. str 3 for str in test_file_strings if __name__ __main__ unittest.main This did not work the return result I got was. python all_test.py.. normal unit test #command line output if __name__ __main__ unittest.main This also did not work but it seems so close python all_test.py..

Commit in git only if tests pass


def testFail self assert False if __name__ '__main__' unittest.main Makefile test python3.1 test.py .git hooks pre commit # bin..

Python unittest: Generate multiple tests programmatically? [duplicate]


under_test exp 0 exp 1 if __name__ '__main__' unittest.main Also do I really want to be putting that definition of self.expected_pairs.. 0 pair 1 return do_test_expected if __name__ '__main__' unittest.main This does not work. 0 tests are run. Did I adapt the example..

Outputting data from unit test in python


SomeTest.testSomething .setLevel logging.DEBUG unittest.main That allows us to turn on debugging for specific tests which..

How to generate dynamic (parametrized) unit tests in python?


test name self.assertEqual a b if __name__ '__main__' unittest.main The downside of this is that it handles all data in one test...

How do I concisely implement multiple similar unit tests in the Python unittest framework?


output.shape fail_message if __name__ __main__ unittest.main I got the idea for this from Dive Into Python . There it's not.. but as far as I can tell that prevents us from using unittest.main because there would be no way to pass the argument to the testcase...

What is the best way to do automatic attribute assignment in Python, and is it a good idea?


AttributeError getattr a 'bar' if __name__ '__main__' unittest.main argv unittest.sys.argv ' verbose' PS. Using autoassign or autoargs..

Python Unit Testing: Automatically Running the Debugger when a test fails


but I don't understand how to use it #A tests #A.debug A unittest.main python unit testing pdb python pyunit share improve this..

nose, unittest.TestCase and metaclass: auto-generated test_* methods not discovered


' 0 that 1 '.format self.id str arg if __name__ '__main__' unittest.main This works using stdlib 's framework. Expected and actual output..

SQLAlchemy Obtain Primary Key With Autoincrement Before Commit


Unittest causing sys.exit()


unittest.TestCase def testA self a 1 self.assertEqual a 1 unittest.main option n not recognized Usage idle.pyw options test ... Options.. most recent call last File pyshell#7 line 1 in module unittest.main File E Python25 lib unittest.py line 767 in __init__ self.parseArgs.. it execute the tests and stay within Python by changing unittest.main to unittest.TextTestRunner .run unittest.TestLoader .loadTestsFromTestCase..

Unit testing a python app that uses the requests library


v 'mytest pass' self.mocker.verify if __name__ '__main__' unittest.main When I run this unit test I get the following result . Ran..