

python Programming Glossary: verbose_name

Separation of business logic and data access in django


user_id IntegerField widget UsernameSelectWidget verbose_name Select a user to activate # the username select widget is not..

Exposing model method with Tastypie


editable False ip_address models.OneToOneField IPAddress verbose_name IP Address port models.CharField Port max_length 5 name models.CharField..

Django - Iterate over model instance field names and values in template


of that instance in table format with the field name verbose_name specifically if specified on the field in the first column and.. CharField max_length 150 email EmailField max_length 100 verbose_name E mail I would want it to be output in the template like so..

Enforce unique upload file names using django?


Simple Django form / model save question


Booking models.Model name models.CharField max_length 100 verbose_name Your name place models.ManyToManyField Location blank True null..

Creating form using Generic_inlineformset_factory from the Model Form


user models.OneToOneField User blank True null True verbose_name _ 'user' class Person models.Model Person model title models.CharField..

Django: ModelMultipleChoiceField doesn't select initial choices


True null True from_company models.ManyToManyField Contact verbose_name 'Participant s from Company ' blank True null True class Action_Form..

How to represent geographical locations


postaladress db.PostalAddressProperty indexed False verbose_name postaladdress ... Implementing a basic search with geomodel..

How to model many blobs for an object?


db.ReferenceProperty A collection_name 'matched_blobs' verbose_name Title blob blobstore.BlobReferenceProperty The later example..

Django dynamic model fields


models.DynamicModel.objects.get_or_create name 'Test' verbose_name 'Test Model' app test_app foo created models.DynamicModelField.objects.get_or_create.. name 'foo' verbose_name 'Foo Field' model test field_type 'dynamiccharfield' null.. name 'bar' verbose_name 'Bar Field' model test field_type 'dynamicintegerfield' null..

How to stop auto-capitalization of verbose_name in django


to stop auto capitalization of verbose_name in django How to prevent Django from auto capitalizing of the.. How to prevent Django from auto capitalizing of the verbose_name in models E.g class TestModel models.Model enb_id models.IntegerField.. models.Model enb_id models.IntegerField null True verbose_name eNB ID blank True I want to handle the capitalization myself..

how to override the verbose name of a superclass model field in django


50 ... class Foo SuperFoo ... # do something that changes verbose_name of name field of SuperFoo In class Foo I'd like to override.. field of SuperFoo In class Foo I'd like to override the verbose_name of the name field of SuperFoo. Can I If not is the best option.. 50 ... class Foo SuperFoo ... # do something that changes verbose_name of name field of SuperFoo Foo._meta.get_field 'name' .verbose_name..