

python Programming Glossary: view.py

Can't add a User to the Database


forms.ValidationError not matched return self.cleaned_data view.py def EmployerRegistration request if request.user.is_authenticated..

dynamic JQuery view in django


data Popluate combo here by unpacking the json my view.py looks like this def getTime request if request.method GET date_val.. me how to view the values stored in the json object in the view.py In the similar way how do i perform operations on the jquery..

Python-Django: ifchanged template tag


0 zero again. result 5.5 4.5 1.3 which i am getting from view.py for eachSc in DBShots1 tr ifchanged eachSc.laEmpNum td bgcolor..

Deploying Flask app to Heroku


flask import Flask app Flask __name__ import pml.views view.py from pml import app @app.route ' ' def index return 'Hello World..

Python get file name and change & save it in variable


following Need a minimal Django file upload example . in view.py there is newdoc Document docfile request.FILES 'docfile' newdoc.save..

dict keys with spaces in Django templates


templates I am trying to present a dictionary from my view.py at the HTML template such as test 'works' True 'this fails'..

py2exe com dll problem


packages view ctypes_com_server my_com_server_target and view.py # coding utf 8 # A sample context menu handler. # Adds a 'Hello..