

python Programming Glossary: via

Local variables in Python nested functions


thus has one free variable cage which is then referenced via a function scope cell index 0. The cell itself points to the..

Programmatically saving image to Django ImageField


an ImageField on it I have code that downloads an image via HTTP tested and works The image is saved directly into the 'upload_to'..

Differences between isinstance() and type() in python


convenience to actual subclasses in a very natural way via Template Method design pattern applications see here and here..

Can't pickle <type 'instancemethod'> when using python's multiprocessing Pool.map()


How do I force Python to be 32-bit on Snow Leopard and other 32-bit/64-bit questions


can find out a lot about the Python version you're running via the platform module the sys module also has a few simple helpers..

convert integer to a string in a given numeric base in python


easy creation of an integer from a string of a given base via int str base . I want to perform the inverse creation of a string..

How do I filter ForeignKey choices in a Django ModelForm?


the Company choices as that has already been selected via an Add Client button on the Company page and limit the Rate..

Python thread pool similar to the multiprocessing Pool?


somewhat and not properly documented. It can be imported via from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool It is implemented..

Is there a simple, elegant way to define Singletons in Python? [closed]


protect against multiple instantiations other than just via convention in use of your API. I would still just put methods..

How do I check if a string is a number in Python?


results A number if the number is valid A status code e.g. via errno or exception to show that no valid number could be parsed...

Image library for Python 3


. It is also relatively easy to use the FreeImage library via ctypes . Update the book Programming Python 4th Edition includes..

How to find the mime type of a file in python?


in BLOBs. Let's say you want to dish these files out via a web page and have the client automatically open the correct..

What are some good Python ORM solutions? [closed]


using Python that then speaks to the PostgreSQL db via an ORM JSON to the browser . I'm also looking at Django which..

In Python, why can a function modify some arguments as perceived by the caller, but not others?


Python binds these parameters to whatever objects you pass via names in a caller scope . Objects can be mutable like lists..

What is the best way to implement nested dictionaries in Python?


profession I have to create the lower layer dictionaries via obnoxious try catch blocks. Moreover I have to create annoying..

Using MultipartPostHandler to POST form-data with Python


is the name of the parameter which is normally set # via the name parameter of the HTML input tag. # headers contains..

Take a screenshot via a python script. [Linux]


a screenshot via a python script. Linux I want to take a screenshot via a python.. via a python script. Linux I want to take a screenshot via a python script and unobtrusively save it. I'm only interested..

Django dynamic model fields


in which some users can define their own data fields via the admin to collect additional data in forms and report on..

Python Comet Server


feed similar to Facebook's newsfeed that I want to update via a long polling mechanism. I understand that with Python my choices..