

python Programming Glossary: vertex

How to specify buffer offset with PyOpenGL


zero offset into a buffer object. python opengl pyopengl vertex buffer share improve this question You're supposed to pass..

python: how to extract specific lines of data from a big text file


each section of data I would like to plot a line graph of vertex 1st column versus K_I 5th column and vertex 1st column versus.. line graph of vertex 1st column versus K_I 5th column and vertex 1st column versus K_II 6th column So in the end I would like.. So in the end I would like the 20 steps of RAW SIFS for vertex vs K_I with 20 curves all in one graph. Then another graph of..

[python]: path between two nodes


An example for calculating all the shortest paths from vertex 0 from igraph import Graph g Graph.Lattice 10 10 circular False.. 0 ...a list of 3669 shortest paths starting from vertex 0... If you have igraph 0.6 or later this is the development.. the result of get_all_shortest_paths to a given end vertex as well g.get_all_shortest_paths 0 15 0 1 2 3 4 14 15 0 1 2..

All possible paths from one node to another in a directed tree (igraph)


paths_from_to graph source dest Find paths in graph from vertex source to vertex dest. a graph.get_adjlist n source.index m.. source dest Find paths in graph from vertex source to vertex dest. a graph.get_adjlist n source.index m dest.index return.. documentation whether the adjlist is a list of lists of vertex indices or a list of list of vertex objects themselves. I assumed..

basic openGL, vertex buffers and pyglet


openGL vertex buffers and pyglet Edit rotoglup found the problems in my code.. to the C in the tutorial except for the removal of vertex and fragment shaders done via gletools in python which appears.. positionBufferObject GLuint vao GLuint vertexPositions 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.25 0.0 0.0 1.75 1.75 0.0 vertexPositionsGl..

Separating Axis Theorem and Python


First the projection should simply be the dot product of a vertex with the axis. What you're doing is way too complicated. Second..