

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:13:25

android Programming Glossary: f.delete

how to set the output image use com.android.camera.action.CROP


data File f new File selectImageUri.getPath if f.exists f.delete Intent inten3 new Intent this tabActivity.class startActivity..

How to parser json for image url [duplicate]


cacheDir.listFiles if files null return for File f files f.delete MemoryCache public class MemoryCache private static final String..

Android: Crop an Image after Taking it With Camera with a Fixed Aspect Ratio


File f new File mImageCaptureUri.getPath if f.exists f.delete InputMethodManager mgr InputMethodManager getSystemService..

Android Webview - Completely Clear the Cache


stack.size 1 if f.isDirectory true boolean empty f.delete if empty false File files f.listFiles if files.length 0.. tmp else stack.remove stack.size 1 else f.delete stack.remove stack.size 1 catch Exception e Log.e TAG LOG_START..

Android file delete leaves empty placeholder in Gallery


values But when I try to delete File f new File imageURI f.delete The picture is no longer there but an empty placeholder is...

Android Out of Memory error with Lazy Load images


SD cache File files cacheDir.listFiles for File f files f.delete Here is the same class after I tried to implement SoftReference... SD cache File files cacheDir.listFiles for File f files f.delete android caching lazy loading out of memory outofmemoryerror..

Android: Help in adapting ListView adapter with an ImageLoader Class (LazyList)


SD cache File files cacheDir.listFiles for File f files f.delete the custom list view adapter from the LazyList project public.. SD cache File files cacheDir.listFiles for File f files f.delete public static void copyStream InputStream is OutputStream os..

Android: Help in adapting ListView adapter with an ImageLoader Class


SD cache File files cacheDir.listFiles for File f files f.delete the custom list view adapter from the LazyList project public..

FileOutputStream throws FileNotFoundException when UnZipping


Path FileName if f.exists f.mkdirs if f.createNewFile f.delete f.createNewFile InputStream input new BufferedInputStream..

how to set the output image use com.android.camera.action.CROP


data.getExtras if extras null bmp extras.getParcelable data File f new File selectImageUri.getPath if f.exists f.delete Intent inten3 new Intent this tabActivity.class startActivity inten3 from what i have read the code intent.putExtra outputX..

How to parser json for image url [duplicate]


File cacheDir filename return f public void clear File files cacheDir.listFiles if files null return for File f files f.delete MemoryCache public class MemoryCache private static final String TAG MemoryCache private Map String Bitmap cache Collections.synchronizedMap..

Android: Crop an Image after Taking it With Camera with a Fixed Aspect Ratio


setPhotoPresent true Wysie_Soh Delete the temporary file File f new File mImageCaptureUri.getPath if f.exists f.delete InputMethodManager mgr InputMethodManager getSystemService Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE mgr.showSoftInput mPhotoImageView..

Android Webview - Completely Clear the Cache


TAG LOG_START Clearing the stack stack.size File f stack.get stack.size 1 if f.isDirectory true boolean empty f.delete if empty false File files f.listFiles if files.length 0 for File tmp files stack.add tmp else stack.remove.. if files.length 0 for File tmp files stack.add tmp else stack.remove stack.size 1 else f.delete stack.remove stack.size 1 catch Exception e Log.e TAG LOG_START Failed to clean the cache However this still hasn't..

Android file delete leaves empty placeholder in Gallery


.insert Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI values But when I try to delete File f new File imageURI f.delete The picture is no longer there but an empty placeholder is. Any ideas android gallery share improve this question Android..

Android Out of Memory error with Lazy Load images


public void clearCache clear memory cache cache.clear clear SD cache File files cacheDir.listFiles for File f files f.delete Here is the same class after I tried to implement SoftReference. I don't think I did it right because this does not display.. public void clearCache clear memory cache cache.clear clear SD cache File files cacheDir.listFiles for File f files f.delete android caching lazy loading out of memory outofmemoryerror share improve this question Generally your in memory image..

Android: Help in adapting ListView adapter with an ImageLoader Class (LazyList)


public void clearCache clear memory cache cache.clear clear SD cache File files cacheDir.listFiles for File f files f.delete the custom list view adapter from the LazyList project public class LazyAdapter extends BaseAdapter private Activity activity.. public void clearCache clear memory cache cache.clear clear SD cache File files cacheDir.listFiles for File f files f.delete public static void copyStream InputStream is OutputStream os final int buffer_size 1024 try byte bytes new byte buffer_size..

Android: Help in adapting ListView adapter with an ImageLoader Class


public void clearCache clear memory cache cache.clear clear SD cache File files cacheDir.listFiles for File f files f.delete the custom list view adapter from the LazyList project public class LazyAdapter extends BaseAdapter private Activity activity..

FileOutputStream throws FileNotFoundException when UnZipping


int lenghtOfFile conexion.getContentLength File f new File Path FileName if f.exists f.mkdirs if f.createNewFile f.delete f.createNewFile InputStream input new BufferedInputStream url.openStream OutputStream output new FileOutputStream Path..