

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:13:26

android Programming Glossary: facebook.com

launch facebook app from other app


shell using am start ..... . Basic is String uri facebook facebook.com inbox Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW Uri.parse.. Intent.ACTION_VIEW Uri.parse uri startActivity intent the facebook.com part is not checked. you can even type facebook gugus.com inbox.. 2. run am start a android.intent.action.VIEW d facebook facebook.com inbox this will start the inbox activity. Here some Uris with..

Android unable to implement facebook comment in a webview due to default browser


method shouldOverrideUrlLoading if url.contains https www.facebook.com connect window_comm.php webView.clearHistory webView.loadUrl.. technique but it doesn't work if url.contains https www.facebook.com connect window_comm.php String cookieString cookieManager.getCookie.. String cookieString cookieManager.getCookie facebook.com if cookieString null cookieManager.setCookie remoteUrldomain.com..

launch facebook app from other app


facebook app and it works. At least I tested it with adb shell using am start ..... . Basic is String uri facebook facebook.com inbox Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW Uri.parse uri startActivity intent the facebook.com part is not checked... uri facebook facebook.com inbox Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW Uri.parse uri startActivity intent the facebook.com part is not checked. you can even type facebook gugus.com inbox having the same effect. How to do this in adb. 1. Start.. do this in adb. 1. Start adb shell through console adb shell 2. run am start a android.intent.action.VIEW d facebook facebook.com inbox this will start the inbox activity. Here some Uris with examples. I think they speak for themselves what they do...

Android unable to implement facebook comment in a webview due to default browser


For facebook login just create a custom WebViewClient and on method shouldOverrideUrlLoading if url.contains https www.facebook.com connect window_comm.php webView.clearHistory webView.loadUrl remoteUrl return false To allow multiple login I have implemented.. false To allow multiple login I have implemented following technique but it doesn't work if url.contains https www.facebook.com connect window_comm.php String cookieString cookieManager.getCookie facebook.com if cookieString null cookieManager.setCookie.. work if url.contains https www.facebook.com connect window_comm.php String cookieString cookieManager.getCookie facebook.com if cookieString null cookieManager.setCookie remoteUrldomain.com cookieString CookieSyncManager.getInstance .sync webView.clearHistory..