

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:13:25

android Programming Glossary: f.exists

Android: Crop an Image after Taking it With Camera with a Fixed Aspect Ratio


file File f new File mImageCaptureUri.getPath if f.exists f.delete InputMethodManager mgr InputMethodManager getSystemService..

Getting the battery current values for the Android Phone


f new File sys class power_supply battery batt_current if f.exists return OneLineReader.getValue f false nexus one cyangoenmod.. new File sys devices platform ds2784 battery getcurrent if f.exists return OneLineReader.getValue f true sony ericsson xperia.. i2c 0 0 0036 power_supply ds2746 battery current_now if f.exists return OneLineReader.getValue f false xdandroid if Build.MODEL.equalsIgnoreCase..

How to get URI from an asset File?


I see that file doesn't exist File f new File filepath if f.exists true Log.e TAG Valid filepath else Log.e TAG InValid filepath..

Deleting a gallery image after camera intent photo taken


c.getString 2 Ensure it's there check size and delete if f.exists CurrentFile.length c.getLong 0 CurrentFile.delete Finally..

Android: Crop an Image after Taking it With Camera with a Fixed Aspect Ratio


photo setPhotoPresent true Wysie_Soh Delete the temporary file File f new File mImageCaptureUri.getPath if f.exists f.delete InputMethodManager mgr InputMethodManager getSystemService Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE mgr.showSoftInput mPhotoImageView..

Getting the battery current values for the Android Phone


desire z Build.MODEL.toLowerCase .contains inspire f new File sys class power_supply battery batt_current if f.exists return OneLineReader.getValue f false nexus one cyangoenmod f new File sys devices platform ds2784 battery getcurrent.. OneLineReader.getValue f false nexus one cyangoenmod f new File sys devices platform ds2784 battery getcurrent if f.exists return OneLineReader.getValue f true sony ericsson xperia x1 f new File sys devices platform i2c adapter i2c 0 0 0036.. ericsson xperia x1 f new File sys devices platform i2c adapter i2c 0 0 0036 power_supply ds2746 battery current_now if f.exists return OneLineReader.getValue f false xdandroid if Build.MODEL.equalsIgnoreCase MSM f new File sys devices platform i2c..

How to get URI from an asset File?


new File assets mydemo.txt When I check if the file exists I see that file doesn't exist File f new File filepath if f.exists true Log.e TAG Valid filepath else Log.e TAG InValid filepath Can some one tell me how I can mention the absolute path for..

Deleting a gallery image after camera intent photo taken


size is bigger copy it. Then delete it File f new File c.getString 2 Ensure it's there check size and delete if f.exists CurrentFile.length c.getLong 0 CurrentFile.delete Finally we can stop the copy. try CurrentFile.createNewFile FileChannel..