

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:13:25

android Programming Glossary: f.getabsolutepath

How to get all image files available in sdcard in android? [duplicate]


allMatchingFiles fileUtils.listFilesAsArray new File SD_CARD_ROOT filter 1 for File f allMatchingFiles tFileList.add f.getAbsolutePath return tFileList in Resource Array for Image types xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 resources string array name image item..

Java Can't create handler inside thread that has not called Looper.prepare()


if name.indexOf '.' 1 ext name.substring name.lastIndexOf '.' 1 .trim .toLowerCase else ext unknown path f.getAbsolutePath if ext null icon mFolderIcon else BitmapDrawable i icons.get ext if i null try int rid R.drawable.class.getField ext..

Setting contact custom ringtone, how?


ContentValues localContentValues new ContentValues localContentValues.put ContactsContract.Contacts.CUSTOM_RINGTONE f.getAbsolutePath Adveture.ogg MainActivity.this.getContentResolver .update localUri localContentValues null null But it's not working. android.. ContactsContract.Data.RAW_CONTACT_ID contactId localContentValues.put ContactsContract.Data.CUSTOM_RINGTONE f.getAbsolutePath Adventure.ogg getContentResolver .update localUri localContentValues null null Toast.makeText this Ringtone assigned to..

“resolveUri failed on bad bitmap uri” when putting image on ListView


Sharing an image with Google+ app using Intent.ACTION_SEND and Intent.EXTRA_STREAM


new ContentValues 2 values.put MediaStore.Images.Media.MIME_TYPE image png values.put MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA f.getAbsolutePath Uri uri getContentResolver .insert MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI values Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_SEND..