

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:20:42

android Programming Glossary: oauth_verifier

Twitter API returns invalid callback - Cannot authorize


which should redirect me to MY CALLBACK oauth_token oauth_verifier but instead it redirects me to https api.twitter.comMY CALLBACK.. me to https api.twitter.comMY CALLBACK oauth_token oauth_verifier which is obviously not a valid url. Also the is missing it should.. is invalid https api.twitter.comMY CALLBACK oauth_token oauth_verifier If the url was MY CALLBACK oauth_token oauth_verifier then my..

In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box)


String oauthVerifier String data.getExtras .get oauth_verifier AccessToken at null try Pair up our request with the response.. private static final String TAG TwitterApp static String oauth_verifier protected static String UserName null UeserID null static String.. screen_name Log.d screen_name screen_name oauth_verifier verifier what 0 catch Exception e Log.d TAG Error getting..

How to Login twitter using Oauth from my android application?


oauth_token uri.getQueryParameter oauth_token String oauth_verifier uri.getQueryParameter oauth_verifier Use the oauth_verifier.. oauth_token String oauth_verifier uri.getQueryParameter oauth_verifier Use the oauth_verifier with twitter.getOAuthAccessToken to get.. uri.getQueryParameter oauth_verifier Use the oauth_verifier with twitter.getOAuthAccessToken to get your token. share improve..

Android Dev - Callback URL not working… (0_o)


the appendages after the ' ' are the oauth_token and oauth_verifier from the service we can assume all steps up until the redirection.. oauth_token String oauthVerifier uri.getQueryParameter oauth_verifier ...do what you need with the parameters if not using singleTask.. oauth_token String oauthVerifier uri.getQueryParameter oauth_verifier ...do what you need with the parameters I believe this should..

Posting LinkedIn message from Android application


oauth_token static final String OAUTH_QUERY_VERIFIER oauth_verifier static final String OAUTH_QUERY_PROBLEM oauth_problem final..

LinkedIn scribe OAuth library unable to allow access to LinkedIn account


whodunit verifier new Verifier uri.getQueryParameter oauth_verifier Trade the Request Token and Verfier for the Access Token requestToken.. whodunit oauth_token 88d888e9 f05b 4b3e ae64 97c4878cbf06 oauth_verifier 41304 cmp com.rockrobot.example.scribelinkedin .loginexample..

shouldOverrideUrlLoading in WebView for Android not running


verifExtrctr 2 .split if verifExtrctr 0 .equalsIgnoreCase oauth_verifier params 5 verifExtrctr 1 return true else System.out.println..

Android Tumblr Oauth-signpost 401


oauth_token String verifier uri.getQueryParameter oauth_verifier return new String token verifier public String getAccessToken..

Twitter API returns invalid callback - Cannot authorize


api.twitter.com oauth authenticate oauth_token MY_VALID_TOKEN which should redirect me to MY CALLBACK oauth_token oauth_verifier but instead it redirects me to https api.twitter.comMY CALLBACK oauth_token oauth_verifier which is obviously not a valid.. to MY CALLBACK oauth_token oauth_verifier but instead it redirects me to https api.twitter.comMY CALLBACK oauth_token oauth_verifier which is obviously not a valid url. Also the is missing it should be MY CALLBACK ... Please note I'm using WebView for my.. code results in Webpage not available error because the url is invalid https api.twitter.comMY CALLBACK oauth_token oauth_verifier If the url was MY CALLBACK oauth_token oauth_verifier then my activity would receive an Intent and everything would be ok.....

In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box)


int resultCode Intent data method if resultCode Activity.RESULT_OK String oauthVerifier String data.getExtras .get oauth_verifier AccessToken at null try Pair up our request with the response at mTwitter.getOAuthAccessToken mRequestToken oauthVerifier.. private TwDialogListener mListener private Context context private static final String TAG TwitterApp static String oauth_verifier protected static String UserName null UeserID null static String OAUTH_CALLBACK_URL twitterapp connect public static final.. String screen_name params1.getFirst screen_name Log.d screen_name screen_name oauth_verifier verifier what 0 catch Exception e Log.d TAG Error getting access token e.printStackTrace mHandler.sendMessage mHandler.obtainMessage..

How to Login twitter using Oauth from my android application?


starts with your return url. And then get the oauth info String oauth_token uri.getQueryParameter oauth_token String oauth_verifier uri.getQueryParameter oauth_verifier Use the oauth_verifier with twitter.getOAuthAccessToken to get your token. share improve..

Android Dev - Callback URL not working… (0_o)


to open appSchema appName authorizationSensitiveInfo... the appendages after the ' ' are the oauth_token and oauth_verifier from the service we can assume all steps up until the redirection are correct . Possible problems lie within the appSchema.. Uri uri intent.getData String oauthToken uri.getQueryParameter oauth_token String oauthVerifier uri.getQueryParameter oauth_verifier ...do what you need with the parameters if not using singleTask or singleInstance you can do @Override public void onResume.. Uri uri intent.getData String oauthToken uri.getQueryParameter oauth_token String oauthVerifier uri.getQueryParameter oauth_verifier ...do what you need with the parameters I believe this should work. Also if I'm not mistaken the callback url you provide..

Posting LinkedIn message from Android application


OAUTH_CALLBACK_HOST static final String OAUTH_QUERY_TOKEN oauth_token static final String OAUTH_QUERY_VERIFIER oauth_verifier static final String OAUTH_QUERY_PROBLEM oauth_problem final LinkedInOAuthService oAuthService LinkedInOAuthServiceFactory..

LinkedIn scribe OAuth library unable to allow access to LinkedIn account


.getData if uri null uri.toString .startsWith callback whodunit verifier new Verifier uri.getQueryParameter oauth_verifier Trade the Request Token and Verfier for the Access Token requestToken service.getRequestToken System.out.println Trading.. cat android.intent.category.BROWSABLE dat callback whodunit oauth_token 88d888e9 f05b 4b3e ae64 97c4878cbf06 oauth_verifier 41304 cmp com.rockrobot.example.scribelinkedin .loginexample 07 05 23 40 20.564 INFO System.out 300 Body oauth_token 5362f57e..

shouldOverrideUrlLoading in WebView for Android not running


CALLBACK_URL verifExtrctr urlHolder.split verifExtrctr verifExtrctr 2 .split if verifExtrctr 0 .equalsIgnoreCase oauth_verifier params 5 verifExtrctr 1 return true else System.out.println Inocorrect callback URL format. else wView.loadUrl..

Android Tumblr Oauth-signpost 401


myUrl if uri null return null String token uri.getQueryParameter oauth_token String verifier uri.getQueryParameter oauth_verifier return new String token verifier public String getAccessToken final String verifier throws OAuthMessageSignerException OAuthNotAuthorizedException..