

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:20:42

android Programming Glossary: object..

How to add progressbar to ActionBarSherlock


String Recipe @Override protected Recipe doInBackground Object... params Recipe recipeAsync null try recipeAsync ApiFactory.getRecipe.. Step @Override protected ArrayList Step doInBackground Object... params ArrayList Step stepsAsync null try stepsAsync ApiFactory.getSteps..

Html.ImageGetter TextView


mDrawable @Override protected Bitmap doInBackground Object... params String source String params 0 mDrawable LevelListDrawable..

Using MatrixCursor and SimpleCursorAdapter in a ListView with text and images


line not available native method Method.invoke Object Object... line 521 ZygoteInit MethodAndArgsCaller.run line 860 ZygoteInit.main..

How to use AsyncTask to show a ProgressDialog while doing background work in Android? [duplicate]


unchecked @Override protected String doInBackground Object... parametros Log.d TAG Executando doInBackground de EfetuaLogin.. unchecked @Override protected String doInBackground Object... parametros Log.d TAG Executando doInBackground de EfetuaLogin..

Android :WindowManager$BadTockenException on Spinner Click


line not available native method Method.invoke Object Object... line 507 ZygoteInit MethodAndArgsCaller.run line 839 ZygoteInit.main..

Android - Cancel AsyncTask Forcefully


once in a while protected Object doInBackground Object... x while condition work... if isCancelled break return null..

Issue with android layout and progressbar


@Override protected void onProgressUpdate Object... values TODO Auto generated method stub ProgressBar update.. percent @Override protected Object doInBackground Object... params TODO Auto generated method stub your code super.onPostExecute..

Dynamically adding a child to LinearLayout with getting each child's position


line not available native method Method.invoke Object Object... line 521 ZygoteInit MethodAndArgsCaller.run line 791 ZygoteInit.main..

How to implement file upload progress bar in android


0 dialog.show @Override protected Void doInBackground Object... arg0 try File file new File file path FileInputStream fileInputStream..

AsyncTask.executeOnExecutor() before API Level 11


AsyncTask Object Object Void protected Void doInBackground Object... params for Object param params Object rtnObj doIntenseJob param.. rtnObj return null protected void onProgressUpdate Object... progress for Object rtnObj progress updateActivityUI rtnObj..

Using AsyncTask to load Images in ListView


String path @Override protected Bitmap doInBackground Object... params imv ImageView params 0 path imv.getTag .toString Bitmap.. .toString @Override protected Bitmap doInBackground Object... params Bitmap bitmap null File file new File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory..

how to find out or fetch all friend list of facebook with their profile pic,name and id


Void Bitmap String uid protected Bitmap doInBackground Object... params this.uid String params 0 String url String params 1..

How to correctly start activity from PostExecute in Android?


@Override protected Object doInBackground Object... params ... @Override protected void onPostExecute List VideoDataDescription..

How do I retrieve the data from AsyncTasks doInBackground()?


Object Void Object protected Object doInBackground Object... params HttpUriRequest req HttpUriRequest params 0 String url.. caller this.caller caller protected Object doInBackground Object... params HttpUriRequest req HttpUriRequest params 0 String url..

Can an Android AsyncTask doInBackground be synchronized to serialize the task execution?


@Override protected synchronized Integer doInBackground Object... params do something that needs to be completed before another..

How to add progressbar to ActionBarSherlock


item class AsyncHttpGetRecipe extends AsyncTask Object String Recipe @Override protected Recipe doInBackground Object... params Recipe recipeAsync null try recipeAsync ApiFactory.getRecipe Context params 0 String params 1 catch JSONException.. AsyncHttpGetSteps extends AsyncTask Object String ArrayList Step @Override protected ArrayList Step doInBackground Object... params ArrayList Step stepsAsync null try stepsAsync ApiFactory.getSteps Context params 0 String params 1 catch JSONException..

Html.ImageGetter TextView


extends AsyncTask Object Void Bitmap private LevelListDrawable mDrawable @Override protected Bitmap doInBackground Object... params String source String params 0 mDrawable LevelListDrawable params 1 Log.d TAG doInBackground source try InputStream..

Using MatrixCursor and SimpleCursorAdapter in a ListView with text and images


Method.invokeNative Object Object Class Class Class int boolean line not available native method Method.invoke Object Object... line 521 ZygoteInit MethodAndArgsCaller.run line 860 ZygoteInit.main String line 618 NativeStart.main String line not available..

How to use AsyncTask to show a ProgressDialog while doing background work in Android? [duplicate]


TAG Executando onPreExecute de EfetuaLogin @SuppressWarnings unchecked @Override protected String doInBackground Object... parametros Log.d TAG Executando doInBackground de EfetuaLogin Object params parametros HttpClient httpClient HttpClient.. por favor aguarde alguns instantes. true false @SuppressWarnings unchecked @Override protected String doInBackground Object... parametros Log.d TAG Executando doInBackground de EfetuaLogin Object params parametros HttpClient httpClient HttpClient..

Android :WindowManager$BadTockenException on Spinner Click


Method.invokeNative Object Object Class Class Class int boolean line not available native method Method.invoke Object Object... line 507 ZygoteInit MethodAndArgsCaller.run line 839 ZygoteInit.main String line 597 NativeStart.main String line not available..

Android - Cancel AsyncTask Forcefully


Issue with android layout and progressbar


UpdateDialog.setCancelable false UpdateDialog.show super.onPreExecute @Override protected void onProgressUpdate Object... values TODO Auto generated method stub ProgressBar update ProgressBar UpdateDialog.findViewById R.id.horizontalProgressBar.. UpdateDialog.findViewById R.id.hpd_tv_percentage tv_per.setText percent @Override protected Object doInBackground Object... params TODO Auto generated method stub your code super.onPostExecute result UpdateDialog.dismiss new test .execute..

Dynamically adding a child to LinearLayout with getting each child's position


Method.invokeNative Object Object Class Class Class int boolean line not available native method Method.invoke Object Object... line 521 ZygoteInit MethodAndArgsCaller.run line 791 ZygoteInit.main String line 549 NativeStart.main String line not available..

How to implement file upload progress bar in android


ProgressDialog.STYLE_HORIZONTAL dialog.setProgress 0 dialog.show @Override protected Void doInBackground Object... arg0 try File file new File file path FileInputStream fileInputStream new FileInputStream file byte bytes new byte int..

AsyncTask.executeOnExecutor() before API Level 11


is from Android API private class DoIntenseTask extends AsyncTask Object Object Void protected Void doInBackground Object... params for Object param params Object rtnObj doIntenseJob param publishProgress rtnObj return null protected void onProgressUpdate.. param params Object rtnObj doIntenseJob param publishProgress rtnObj return null protected void onProgressUpdate Object... progress for Object rtnObj progress updateActivityUI rtnObj My intense tasks are loosely coupled and the execution order..

Using AsyncTask to load Images in ListView


AsyncTask Object Void Bitmap private ImageView imv private String path @Override protected Bitmap doInBackground Object... params imv ImageView params 0 path imv.getTag .toString Bitmap bitmap null File file new File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory.. public LoadImage ImageView imv this.imv imv this.path imv.getTag .toString @Override protected Bitmap doInBackground Object... params Bitmap bitmap null File file new File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .getAbsolutePath path if file.exists..

how to find out or fetch all friend list of facebook with their profile pic,name and id


private class GetProfilePicAsyncTask extends AsyncTask Object Void Bitmap String uid protected Bitmap doInBackground Object... params this.uid String params 0 String url String params 1 return Utility.getBitmap url protected void onPostExecute Bitmap..

How to correctly start activity from PostExecute in Android?


MyAsyncTask Context context this.context context.getApplicationContext @Override protected Object doInBackground Object... params ... @Override protected void onPostExecute List VideoDataDescription result super.onPostExecute result MainActivity.progressDialog.dismiss..

How do I retrieve the data from AsyncTasks doInBackground()?


looks like this private class CallServiceTask extends AsyncTask Object Void Object protected Object doInBackground Object... params HttpUriRequest req HttpUriRequest params 0 String url String params 1 return executeRequest req url And my RestClient.. Void Object RestClient caller CallServiceTask RestClient caller this.caller caller protected Object doInBackground Object... params HttpUriRequest req HttpUriRequest params 0 String url String params 1 return executeRequest req url protected onPostExecute..

Can an Android AsyncTask doInBackground be synchronized to serialize the task execution?


result in another way class SynchronizedTask extends AsyncTask @Override protected synchronized Integer doInBackground Object... params do something that needs to be completed before another doInBackground can be called In my case any AsyncTask#execute..