

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:20:42

android Programming Glossary: objectname

Help passing an ArrayList of Objects to a new Activity


Activity Thanks for your time EDIT I tried this ArrayList ObjectName arraylist new Arraylist ObjectName Bundle bundle new Bundle.. I tried this ArrayList ObjectName arraylist new Arraylist ObjectName Bundle bundle new Bundle bundle.putParcelableArrayList arraylist.. is not applicable for the arguments String ArrayList ObjectName EDIT2 Object Example Code. Do I need to changed this for paracbale..

Help passing an ArrayList of Objects to a new Activity


about unsafe stuff. How do I pass this arrayList to a new Activity Thanks for your time EDIT I tried this ArrayList ObjectName arraylist new Arraylist ObjectName Bundle bundle new Bundle bundle.putParcelableArrayList arraylist arraylist I get the.. this arrayList to a new Activity Thanks for your time EDIT I tried this ArrayList ObjectName arraylist new Arraylist ObjectName Bundle bundle new Bundle bundle.putParcelableArrayList arraylist arraylist I get the following Error The method putParcelableArrayList.. String ArrayList extends Parcelable in the type Bundle is not applicable for the arguments String ArrayList ObjectName EDIT2 Object Example Code. Do I need to changed this for paracbale to work public class ObjectName private int Value1 private..