

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:20:42

android Programming Glossary: oauthtoken

Javamail api in android using XOauth


connectToSmtp String host int port String userEmail String oauthToken boolean debug throws Exception Properties props new Properties.. response String.format user s 1auth Bearer s 1 1 userEmail oauthToken .getBytes response BASE64EncoderStream.encode response transport.issueCommand.. sendMail String subject String body String user String oauthToken String recipients try SMTPTransport smtpTransport connectToSmtp..

Access gmail using imap with accountmanager token


String host int port String userEmail String oauthToken boolean debug throws Exception Properties props new Properties.. XOAUTH2 props.put OAuth2SaslClientFactory.OAUTH_TOKEN_PROP oauthToken Session session Session.getInstance props session.setDebug debug.. 2 System.err.println Usage OAuth2Authenticator email oauthToken return String email args 0 String oauthToken args 1 initialize..

Android Dev - Callback URL not working… (0_o)


onNewIntent Intent intent Uri uri intent.getData String oauthToken uri.getQueryParameter oauth_token String oauthVerifier uri.getQueryParameter.. Intent intent getIntent Uri uri intent.getData String oauthToken uri.getQueryParameter oauth_token String oauthVerifier uri.getQueryParameter..

Android unable to implement facebook comment in a webview due to default browser


Javamail api in android using XOauth


private Session session public SMTPTransport connectToSmtp String host int port String userEmail String oauthToken boolean debug throws Exception Properties props new Properties props.put mail.smtp.starttls.enable true props.put mail.smtp.starttls.required.. transport.connect host port userEmail emptyPassword byte response String.format user s 1auth Bearer s 1 1 userEmail oauthToken .getBytes response BASE64EncoderStream.encode response transport.issueCommand AUTH XOAUTH2 new String response 235 return.. String response 235 return transport public synchronized void sendMail String subject String body String user String oauthToken String recipients try SMTPTransport smtpTransport connectToSmtp smtp.gmail.com 587 user oauthToken true MimeMessage..

Access gmail using imap with accountmanager token


tools wiki JavaSampleCode public static IMAPStore connectToImap String host int port String userEmail String oauthToken boolean debug throws Exception Properties props new Properties props.put mail.imaps.sasl.enable true props.put mail.imaps.sasl.mechanisms.. true props.put mail.imaps.sasl.mechanisms XOAUTH2 props.put OAuth2SaslClientFactory.OAUTH_TOKEN_PROP oauthToken Session session Session.getInstance props session.setDebug debug final URLName unusedUrlName null IMAPSSLStore store new.. static void main String args throws Exception if args.length 2 System.err.println Usage OAuth2Authenticator email oauthToken return String email args 0 String oauthToken args 1 initialize IMAPStore imapStore connectToImap imap.gmail.com 993 ..

Android Dev - Callback URL not working… (0_o)


use something similar to the following @Override public void onNewIntent Intent intent Uri uri intent.getData String oauthToken uri.getQueryParameter oauth_token String oauthVerifier uri.getQueryParameter oauth_verifier ...do what you need with the.. or singleInstance you can do @Override public void onResume Intent intent getIntent Uri uri intent.getData String oauthToken uri.getQueryParameter oauth_token String oauthVerifier uri.getQueryParameter oauth_verifier ...do what you need with the..

Android unable to implement facebook comment in a webview due to default browser
