

c# Programming Glossary: flowdocumentscrollviewer

How can I get a FlowDocument Hyperlink to launch browser and go to URL in a WPF app?


class Window1 Window public Window1 InitializeComponent FlowDocumentScrollViewer fdsv new FlowDocumentScrollViewer FlowDocument doc new FlowDocument.. InitializeComponent FlowDocumentScrollViewer fdsv new FlowDocumentScrollViewer FlowDocument doc new FlowDocument fdsv.Document doc fdsv.VerticalScrollBarVisibility..

Wrapping text around an image or linking two TextBlocks in C# WPF


element and a Floater element containing an image Grid FlowDocumentScrollViewer FlowDocument Paragraph Floater Width 130 HorizontalAlignment..

In WPF, how do I adjust the scroll increment for a FlowDocumentReader with ViewingMode set to Scroll?


any effect. I think that WPF ignores that setting for the FlowDocumentScrollViewer. I've added a Scroll event on the FlowDocument and FlowDocumentReader..

Printing BlockUIContainer to XpsDocument/FixedDocument


xmlns x http schemas.microsoft.com winfx 2006 xaml FlowDocumentScrollViewer Name viewer Window public static void ForceRenderFlowDocument.. Window window XamlReader.Load reader as Window FlowDocumentScrollViewer viewer LogicalTreeHelper.FindLogicalNode window viewer as FlowDocumentScrollViewer.. viewer LogicalTreeHelper.FindLogicalNode window viewer as FlowDocumentScrollViewer viewer.Document document Show the window way off screen window.WindowStartupLocation..