

c# Programming Glossary: font

how can i get text formatting with iTextSharp


read that also. But I am loosing text formatting like the font color etc. Is there any way to get that formatting as well... questions and answers here including this one to get the font height although its not exact as well as another one that for.. returns some additional characters in front of the font name I think it has to do with when you embed font subsets...

Creating Excel document with OpenXml sdk 2.0


you need. Starting with the default new Stylesheet new Fonts new Font new FontSize Val 10D new Color Theme UInt32Value 1U.. Starting with the default new Stylesheet new Fonts new Font new FontSize Val 10D new Color Theme UInt32Value 1U new FontName.. with the default new Stylesheet new Fonts new Font new FontSize Val 10D new Color Theme UInt32Value 1U new FontName Val..

Place watermark image on other images (C#, ASP.Net)


ms Graphics gr Graphics.FromImage img Font font new Font Tahoma float 40 Color color Color.FromArgb 50.. ms Graphics gr Graphics.FromImage img Font font new Font Tahoma float 40 Color color Color.FromArgb 50 241 235 105 double.. sin cos opp1 adj1 opp2 adj2 for int i 100 i 0 i font new Font Tahoma i FontStyle.Bold SizeF sizef gr.MeasureString watermarkText..

Color different parts of a RichTextBox string


denied var box new RichTextBox Dock DockStyle.Fill Font new Font Courier New 10 box.AppendText DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString.. var box new RichTextBox Dock DockStyle.Fill Font new Font Courier New 10 box.AppendText DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString..

using statement vs try finally


curly braces to create the limited scope for the object Font font1 new Font Arial 10.0f try byte charset font1.GdiCharSet.. to create the limited scope for the object Font font1 new Font Arial 10.0f try byte charset font1.GdiCharSet finally if font1..

In C# what is the difference between ToUpper() and ToUpperInvariant()?


turkey string cultured iii .ToUpper Font bigFont new Font Arial 40 Form f new Form Controls new Label.. turkey string cultured iii .ToUpper Font bigFont new Font Arial 40 Form f new Form Controls new Label Text invariant.. turkey string cultured iii .ToUpper Font bigFont new Font Arial 40 Form f new Form Controls new Label Text invariant..

Trying to use the C# SpellCheck class


WordWrap properties. There's a nagging problem with the Font there is no easy way to map a WF Font to the WPF font properties... problem with the Font there is no easy way to map a WF Font to the WPF font properties. The easiest workaround for that.. The easiest workaround for that is to set the form's Font to Segoe UI the default for WPF. using System using System.ComponentModel..

c# write text on bitmap


PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality g.DrawString yourText new Font Thaoma 8 Brushes.Black rectf g.Flush image.Image bmp share..

How to find control in TemplateField of GridView?


grvYourOpt_RowDataBound HeaderStyle BackColor #5D7B9D Font Bold True ForeColor White RowStyle BackColor #F7F6F3 ForeColor.. #333333 GridLines Both HeaderStyle BackColor #5D7B9D Font Bold True ForeColor White RowStyle BackColor #F7F6F3 ForeColor.. GridLines Both Width 100 HeaderStyle BackColor #5D7B9D Font Bold True ForeColor White RowStyle BackColor #F7F6F3 ForeColor..