

c# Programming Glossary: fluent

Method-Chaining in C#


methods. It is commonly used when creating DSLs or fluent interfaces in C#. The typical pattern is to have your AddItem..

Get all associate/composite objects inside an object (in Abstract way)


blogs.msdn.com b adonet archive 2010 12 14 ef feature ctp5 fluent api samples.aspx C# CODE public interface IPaymentComponent..

Which .NET Dependency Injection frameworks are worth looking into? [closed]


for the last year or so and since it has moved to a fluent config using strongly typed generics and a registry my pain..

LINQ - Fluent and Query Expression - Is there any benefit(s) of one over other? [closed]


it saves me tons of time and lines of code. However the fluent syntax seems to come much more natural to me than the query..

Generic constraint to match numeric types


write an extension method on numeric types to be used in a fluent testing framework I'm building. Basically I want to do this..

What C# mocking framework to use? [closed]


about it but I use Moq and it has been awesome. The fluent interface makes it a joy to work with. For example mockService.Setup..

Navigation Property without Declaring Foreign Key


a second Foreign Key property through the use of the fluent interface. ForeignKey seems like the right attribute to use..

What does principal end of an association means in 1:1 relationship in Entity framework


be explicitly configured using either the relationship fluent API or data annotations. i have seen questions on stackoverflow.. Foo public string BooId get set public Foo Foo get set Or fluent mapping modelBuilder.Entity Foo .HasOptional f f.Boo .WithRequired..

Create code first, many to many, with additional fields in association table


get set How do I configure my association with fluent API Or is there a better way to create the association table..

No type inference with generic extension method


for answering the question I am trying to create a fluent interface to invoking events. The base is this static class.. ... .Until ... .Do c# .net generics extension methods fluent interface share improve this question Generic method type..

Entity Framework Code First Fluent Api: Adding Indexes to columns


that indexed for performance reasons. Can we do this with fluent api somehow or perhaps data annotations I know it is possible.. way c# entity framework 4 ef code first dataannotations fluent interface share improve this question After Migrations was..

Programming to interfaces while mapping with Fluent NHibernate


to be critical. Thanks for the responses. c# nhibernate fluent nhibernate nhibernate mapping share improve this question.. UPDATE using union subclass is not supported via the fluent interface fluent nhibernate provides. You'll have to use a regular.. union subclass is not supported via the fluent interface fluent nhibernate provides. You'll have to use a regular hbm mapping..

How to tell Fluent NHibernate not to map a class property


to map a class property I have a class that is mapped in fluent nhibernate but I want one of the classes properties to be ignored.. nhibernate to ignore my HasEvents property c# nhibernate fluent nhibernate share improve this question map.IgnoreProperty..

Get all associate/composite objects inside an object (in Abstract way)


2009 04 15 tip 12 choosing an inheritance strategy.aspx Fluent API Samples http blogs.msdn.com b adonet archive 2010 12 14..

NHibernate.Spatial and Sql 2008 Geography type - How to configure


2008 Geography type and am having difficulty. I am using Fluent Nhibernate to configure which I am fairly new to so that may.. to persist looks something like public class LocationLog FluentNHibernate.Data.Entity public virtual new int Id get set public.. In order to use the MsSql2008GeographyDialect with Fluent Nhibernate I have created my own configuration class public..

ServiceStack Request DTO design


to them otherwise you have the option to use the built in Fluent Validation but you don't need to inject them into your service..

What ORM for .net should I use?


ORM that's capable of virtually anything. NHibernate with FluentNHibernate rocks Many of these drawbacks and setup problems vaporize.. and setup problems vaporize the minute you start using Fluent Nhibernate personally I hardly do without it anymore as it removes.. if it's there already . Configure your database using the Fluent syntax. A very simple setup can look as basic as this part of..

Dependency Inject (DI) “friendly” library


degree of discoverability you could consider providing Fluent Builders. Something like this public class MyFacade private..

LINQ - Fluent and Query Expression - Is there any benefit(s) of one over other? [closed]


Fluent and Query Expression Is there any benefit s of one over other..

Navigation Property without Declaring Foreign Key


is actually nonsense from a semantic viewpoint. So in Fluent API you want this modelBuilder.Entity User .HasRequired u u.Creator.. If you want to create these two relationships without Fluent API and only with DataAnnotations I think you have to introduce.. attribute. I think it's a clear case where using the Fluent API makes a lot of sense and is better than modifying the model..

Entity Framework Code First Fluent Api: Adding Indexes to columns


Framework Code First Fluent Api Adding Indexes to columns I'm running EF 4.2 CF and want..

Programming to interfaces while mapping with Fluent NHibernate


to interfaces while mapping with Fluent NHibernate I have been whipped into submission and have started.. been whipped into submission and have started learning Fluent NHibernate no previous NHibernate experience . In my project.. more testable by being able to mock dependencies. However Fluent NHibernate doesn't love it when I try to map to interfaces instead..

How to tell Fluent NHibernate not to map a class property


to tell Fluent NHibernate not to map a class property I have a class that..