

c# Programming Glossary: val

.Net Data structures: ArrayList, List, HashTable, Dictionary, SortedList, SortedDictionary — Speed, memory, and when to use each?


enumerable IList can do 'foreach' loops Which ones use key value pairs IDict What about memory footprint Insertion speed Retrieval.. IDict What about memory footprint Insertion speed Retrieval speed Are there any other data structures worth mentioning EDIT.. old hashtable. O 1 to O n worst case. Can enumerate the value and keys properties and do key val pairs. Dictionary same..

Simple 2 way encryption for C#


that work with byte arrays. NOTE you should use different values in the Key and Vector arrays You wouldn't want someone to.. must be 255 in the Key and Vector arrays I left one invalid value in the Vector array to make sure you do this... . Using.. be 255 in the Key and Vector arrays I left one invalid value in the Vector array to make sure you do this... . Using it..

What NoSQL solutions are out there for .NET? [closed]


request response id request.params.id redis.incr id err val response.send # id # val 'Content Type' 'text plain' 201 One.. redis.incr id err val response.send # id # val 'Content Type' 'text plain' 201 One of the benefits of NoSQL..

Get enum from enum attribute


class StringValueAttribute Attribute private string _value public StringValueAttribute string value _value value public.. private string _value public StringValueAttribute string value _value value public string Value get return _value And.. string _value public StringValueAttribute string value _value value public string Value get return _value And I would..

Dynamic LINQ OrderBy on IEnumerable<T>


props GetCallSiteLocked accessor target object val object target for int i 0 i arr.Length i var cs arr i.. target for int i 0 i arr.Length i var cs arr i val cs.Target cs val return val else var callSite GetCallSiteLocked.. int i 0 i arr.Length i var cs arr i val cs.Target cs val return val else var callSite GetCallSiteLocked name..

Compression/Decompression string with C#


wrong. Code class Program public static string Zip string value Transform string into byte byte byteArray new byte value.Length.. value Transform string into byte byte byteArray new byte value.Length int indexBA 0 foreach char item in value.ToCharArray.. new byte value.Length int indexBA 0 foreach char item in value.ToCharArray byteArray indexBA byte item Prepare for compress..

How to escape brackets (curly braces) in a format string in .NET


be escaped in using string.Format . For example String val 1 2 3 String.Format foo 0 val This example doesn't throw an.. . For example String val 1 2 3 String.Format foo 0 val This example doesn't throw an exception but outputs the string..

Creating Excel document with OpenXml sdk 2.0


static Cell CreateTextCell string header string text UInt32Value index Cell c new Cell c.DataType CellValues.InlineString c.CellReference.. text UInt32Value index Cell c new Cell c.DataType CellValues.InlineString c.CellReference header index InlineString inlineString.. the default new Stylesheet new Fonts new Font new FontSize Val 10D new Color Theme UInt32Value 1U new FontName Val Arial new..

Add Header and Footer to an existing empty word document with OpenXML SDK 2.0


new HeaderReference Id rId Type HeaderFooterValues.First sectProperties.Append newHeaderReference Save the.. Paragraph new ParagraphProperties new ParagraphStyleId Val Header1 new Run new Text HeaderText return element This.. ParagraphStyleId paragraphStyleId1 new ParagraphStyleId Val Header paragraphProperties1.Append paragraphStyleId1 Run run1..

How to export a JQgrid data to Excel using c#?


var styleIndex colunmModels iCol .IsRotatedHeader UInt32Value uint OutputCellFormat.TextHeaderRotated 1 UInt32Value uint.. uint OutputCellFormat.TextHeaderRotated 1 UInt32Value uint OutputCellFormat.TextHeader 1 r.Append new OpenXmlElement.. new Text Text colunmModels iCol .Header DataType CellValues.InlineString StyleIndex styleIndex CellReference GetCellReference..

Force PHP integer overflow


see 1 php echo Php max int .PHP_INT_MAX. n echo The Val . 1580033017 2072974554 . n echo Intval of the val .intval 3653007571.. Intval but wrong for 0xffffff Php max int 2147483647 The Val 3653007571 Intval of the val 2147483648 And of the val 2147483648.. PHP documentation for intval Php max int 2147483647 The Val 3653007571 Intval of the val 641959725 And of the val 641959725..

How can I embed any file type into Microsoft Word using OpenXml 2.0


using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Validation using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing using OVML.. OVML.OleObject oleObject new OVML.OleObject Type OVML.OleValues.Embed ProgId fileType ShapeId shapeID DrawAspect OVML.OleDrawAspectValues.Icon.. fileType ShapeId shapeID DrawAspect OVML.OleDrawAspectValues.Icon ObjectId GetUniqueXmlItemID Id embeddedPackageID embeddedObject.Append..