

c# Programming Glossary: value.length

How do you serialize a string as CDATA using XmlSerializer?


Content set if value null Content null return if value.Length 1 throw new InvalidOperationException String.Format Invalid.. String.Format Invalid array length 0 value.Length Content value 0 .Value #endregion share improve this answer..

Truncate string on whole words in .NET C#


TruncateAtWord this string value int length if value null value.Length length value.IndexOf length 1 return value return value.Substring..

best way to clear contents of .NET's StringBuilder


param public static void Clear this StringBuilder value value.Length 0 value.Capacity 0 Then you can clear it like this someStringBuilder.Clear..

How to convert percentage string to double?


this string value return double.Parse value.SubString 0 value.Length 1 100 but I don't want to use this parsing approach. Is any..

Finding ALL positions of a substring in a large string in C#


value List int indexes new List int for int index 0 index value.Length index str.IndexOf value index if index 1 return indexes indexes.Add.. to find may not be empty value for int index 0 index value.Length index str.IndexOf value index if index 1 break yield return..

Converting 'float' to 'byte[4]' and back to 'float' in NETMF


ByteOrder.LittleEndian System.Array.Reverse value index value.Length return ToSingle value index public enum ByteOrder LittleEndian..

How to get all memory address space used by a process?


out dVal for Int64 addr Int64 module.BaseAddress addr value.Length Int64 module.BaseAddress module.ModuleMemorySize addr Compare..

What exception to throw from a property setter?


string MyProperty get return _MyBackingField set if value.Length 100 throw new FooException MyProperty has a maximum length of..

Compression/Decompression string with C#


value Transform string into byte byte byteArray new byte value.Length int indexBA 0 foreach char item in value.ToCharArray byteArray.. value Transform string into byte byte byteArray new byte value.Length int indexBA 0 foreach char item in value.ToCharArray byteArray..

Validation Error Style in WPF, similar to Silverlight


string TextProperty get return _textProperty set if value.Length 5 throw new Exception Too many characters _textProperty value..