

c# Programming Glossary: vals

C# Memoization of functions with arbitrary number of arguments


code on null object. if obj null return 0 List object vals List object obj 0 int period int obj 1 return _multiplier period.GetHashCode.. int period int obj 1 return _multiplier period.GetHashCode vals.Count public EMAFunction NumParams 2 Name EMA map new Dictionary..

Pass array to mvc Action via AJAX


little help. the javascript is .get ' controller MyAction' vals arrayOfValues function data ... and the controller action is.. true .get ' controller MyAction' vals arrayOfValues function data ... share improve this answer..

Evenly divide in c#


as all 7 values are set to 15 totalling 105 . double vals new double 7 for int i 0 i vals.Length i vals i Math.Ceiling.. 15 totalling 105 . double vals new double 7 for int i 0 i vals.Length i vals i Math.Ceiling 100d vals.Length Is there an.. . double vals new double 7 for int i 0 i vals.Length i vals i Math.Ceiling 100d vals.Length Is there an easy way to do..

How to add validation attribute to model property in TemplateEditor in MVC3


IEnumerable Attribute attributes List ModelValidator vals base.GetValidators metadata context attributes .ToList inject.. regex.GetType out factory factory DefaultAttributeFactory vals.Add factory metadata context regex return vals.AsEnumerable.. vals.Add factory metadata context regex return vals.AsEnumerable Next register your ModelMetadataValidatorProvider..