

c# Programming Glossary: values

Cross-thread operation not valid: Control accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on


method of the usercontrol I'm fetching data based on the values of some control like textbox on userControl. The pseudocode..

Casting vs using the 'as' keyword in the CLR


Test const int Size 30000000 static void Main object values new object Size for int i 0 i Size 2 i 3 values i null values.. object values new object Size for int i 0 i Size 2 i 3 values i null values i 1 x values i 2 new object FindLengthWithIsAndCast.. new object Size for int i 0 i Size 2 i 3 values i null values i 1 x values i 2 new object FindLengthWithIsAndCast values..

What is the difference between Decimal, Float and Double in C#?


represented for example. As for what to use when For values which are naturally exact decimals it's good to use decimal... suitable for any concepts invented by humans financial values are the most obvious example but there are others too. Consider.. the score given to divers or ice skaters for example. For values which are more artefacts of nature which can't really be measured..

Random number generator only generating one random number


that loop with the debugger during runtime I get different values which is what I want . However if I put a breakpoint two lines..

Getting attributes of Enum's value


string value and its description. Value was easy Array Values System.Enum.GetValues typeof FunkyAttributesEnum foreach int.. description. Value was easy Array Values System.Enum.GetValues typeof FunkyAttributesEnum foreach int Value in Values Tuple.Value.. typeof FunkyAttributesEnum foreach int Value in Values Tuple.Value Enum.GetName typeof FunkyAttributesEnum Value But..

Can we define implicit conversions of enums in c#?


2 public static readonly SortedList byte AccountStatus Values new SortedList byte AccountStatus private readonly byte Value.. Value private AccountStatus byte value this.Value value Values.Add value this public static implicit operator AccountStatus.. static implicit operator AccountStatus byte value return Values byte public static implicit operator byte AccountStatus value..

Can I initialize a C# attribute with an array or other variable number of arguments


consumers IMO class MyCustomAttribute Attribute public int Values get set public MyCustomAttribute params int values this.Values.. get set public MyCustomAttribute params int values this.Values values MyCustomAttribute 3 4 5 class MyClass Your syntax for.. to be off class MyCustomAttribute Attribute public int Values get set public MyCustomAttribute int values this.Values values..

Why C# doesn't implement indexed properties?


Foo private string _values new string 3 public string Values int index get return _values index set _values index value.. only workaround that I know is to create an inner class ValuesCollection for instance that implements an indexer and change.. for instance that implements an indexer and change the Values property so that it returns an instance of that inner class...

Does C# have a way of giving me an immutable Dictionary?


_dict.TryGetValue key out value public ICollection TValue Values get return _dict.Values public TValue this TKey key get return.. value public ICollection TValue Values get return _dict.Values public TValue this TKey key get return _dict key set throw..

multimap in .NET


the values for a Key will return the HashSet with the Values of the Key. summary typeparam name TKey The type of the key... values if key was found. returns public HashSet TValue GetValues TKey key bool returnEmptySet HashSet TValue toReturn null if..

Improving performance of multithreaded HttpWebRequests in .NET


80 connectionManagement system.net configuration Values up to 100 work very well with Windows XP. Update I just found..

How to mix colors “naturally” with C#?


green blue red purple and so on. I got the colors as RGB Values. When I try to mix them I got the right RGB results like green..

C# vs Java Enum (for those new to C#)


pEarth.SurfaceGravity foreach Planet p in Planet.Values Console.WriteLine Your weight on 0 is 1 p p.SurfaceWeight mass.. Pluto 1.27e 22 1.137e6 public static IEnumerable Planet Values get yield return MERCURY yield return VENUS yield return..

MVC 3 form post and persisting model data


versions of BeginForm allow you to pass in an object RouteValuesDictionary. @Html.BeginForm Action Controller new SearchModel.. doing a post. Response to Comment Yeah you can use Route Values to add the SearchModel to each page link but as I said in the.. serialized as a part of the link. Either way using Route Values is your answer to getting back your original SearchModel without..

Immutability of structs [duplicate]


improve this question Structs should represent values . Values do not change. The number 12 is eternal. However consider Foo..

Can You Loop Through All Enum Values? [duplicate]


You Loop Through All Enum Values duplicate This question already has an answer here How to enumerate.. share improve this question Yes you can use the GetValues method var values Enum.GetValues typeof Foos Or the typed version.. Yes you can use the GetValues method var values Enum.GetValues typeof Foos Or the typed version var values Enum.GetValues typeof..

How to create “embedded” SQL 2008 database file if it doesn't exist?


INTO AAASchemaVersion Version DateCreated Author Notes VALUES 0 GETDATE 'James Murphy' 'Empty Database' this.BuildConnectionString..

How to find if a native DLL file is compiled as x64 or x86?


cv210.dll PE signature found File Type DLL FILE HEADER VALUES 8664 machine x64 6 number of sections 4BBAB813 time date stamp.. acrdlg.dll PE signature found File Type DLL FILE HEADER VALUES 14C machine x86 5 number of sections 467AFDD2 time date stamp..

SQL Server (2008) Pass ArrayList or String to SP for IN()


@index @start_index AS INT INSERT @list_table id VALUES @id SELECT @start_index @index 1 END SELECT @index @index 1.. @index @start_index AS INT INSERT @list_table id VALUES @id RETURN END Which accepts an nvarchar comma separated list..

How to get last inserted id?


insertSql INSERT INTO aspnet_GameProfiles UserId GameId VALUES @UserId @GameId using SqlConnection myConnection new SqlConnection.. INTO aspnet_GameProfiles UserId GameId OUTPUT INSERTED.ID VALUES @UserId @GameId ...or SQL Server 2000 INSERT INTO aspnet_GameProfiles.. Server 2000 INSERT INTO aspnet_GameProfiles UserId GameId VALUES @UserId @GameId SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY And then Int32 newId Int32..

How do parameterized queries help against SQL injection?


1. SqlCommand cmd new SqlCommand INSERT INTO dbo.Cars VALUES @TagNbr conn cmd.Parameters.Add @TagNbr SqlDbType.Int cmd.Parameters..

using parameters inserting data into access database


INTO bookRated title rating review frnISBN frnUserName VALUES ' title ' ' rating ' ' review ' ' ISBN ' ' userName ' cmd.ExecuteNonQuery.. INTO bookRated title rating review frnISBN frnUserName VALUES @title @rating @review @isbn @username add named parameters..

SQL injection on INSERT


string. So you'd INSERT as follows INSERT INTO COMMENTS VALUES 122 'I like this website' Consider someone entering the following.. two statements followed by a comment INSERT INTO COMMENTS VALUES 123 '' DELETE FROM users ' This would delete everything from..

Writing large number of records (bulk insert) to Access in .NET/C#


new StringBuilder INSERT INTO TEMP .Append names .Append VALUES for int k 0 k 19 k insertSQL.Append i k .Append insertSQL.Append.. new OleDbCommand INSERT INTO TEMP names.ToString VALUES values.ToString for int k 0 k 20 k string fieldName Field k..

Call a stored procedure with parameter in c#


da.InsertCommand new SqlCommand INSERT INTO tblContacts VALUES @FirstName @LastName con da.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add @FirstName..

Import XML to SQL using C#


String.Concat INSERT INTO tableName columnNames VALUES @ paramNames return command private string GetRowValues XmlNode..

Return value from SQL Server Insert command using c#


a row into a table like this INSERT INTO foo column_name VALUES 'bar' I want to do something like this but I don't know the.. don't know the correct syntax INSERT INTO foo column_name VALUES 'bar' RETURNING foo_id This would return the foo_id column from.. int newID var cmd INSERT INTO foo column_name VALUES @Value SELECT CAST scope_identity AS int using var insertCommand..