

c# Programming Glossary: variation

How to resize window using XNA


you simply add the following lines of code or some slight variation of these lines of code to your Initiate method in the Game1..

What's a good, generic algorithm for collapsing a set of potentially-overlapping ranges?


new Range T Start min End max return newList Here is the variation which I mentioned in the comments. It's basically the same thing..

c# - How do I round a decimal value to 2 decimal places (for output on a page)


I only want the output to be 2 decimal places. Do I use a variation of .ToString for this c# share improve this question decimalVar.ToString..

Unload event for the default Application Domain?


i forgot to cross post my own answer from my other slight variation of this question . Ultimately the answer came from an answer..

Using lock statement within a loop in C#


or if you're planning on writing your own clever broken variation on double checked locking that in fact dies horribly on IA64..

Enum and property naming conflicts


a non flag enum. In the above example you could use some variation like WeekDay for either the enum or the property. But in the.. or the property. But in the general case there are no good variations like that so you end up using properties like FooMode or BarKind..

How to throttle event stream using RX?


T value Value value Edit here's another more compact variation of CombineVeryLatest proposed by Andreas Köpf on the forum public..

Is BCrypt a good hashing algorithm to use in C#? Where can I find it?


string. Rainbow Table a lookup table that contains all variations of characters hashed in a specific hashing algorithm. Salt.. hacker would have to create a rainbow table for each variation of salt just to have a rainbow table for one salted hashed password...

When are structs the answer?


v1.X v2.X v1.Y v2.Y v1.Z v2.Z For each I got a variation of the following benchmark method VectorStruct StructTest Stopwatch..

Breadth First Vs Depth First


work on the nodes in this order D B E F C A which is a variation of depth first where I don't do the work at each node until..

Which .NET Memcached client do you use, EnyimMemcached vs. BeITMemcached? [closed]


How to parse a text file in C# and be io bound?


see BinaryWriter . If you are using binary you can use a variation of the following code with BitConvert.ToDouble ToInt32 and it..

Reference equality performance difference? ((object)obj1 == (object)obj2) vs. object.ReferenceEquals( obj1, obj2 )


preceding object.ReferenceEquals whereas the in the first variation is hard to overlook. c# performance coding style equality readability..

Blocking dialogs in .NET WebBrowser control


DownloadComplete or the DocumentComplete or as we do some variation thereof and then call an InjectJavaScript method that you've..

php md5 algorithm that gives same result as c#


The issue is PHP's md5 function by default returns the hex variation of the hash where C# is returning the raw byte output that must..

An elegant way to consume (all bytes of a) BinaryReader?


an elegant way . Instead I would recommend the following variation of @iano's answer. This variant doesn't rely on .NET 4 Create..