

c# Programming Glossary: valuetype

Why Enum's HasFlag method need boxing?


support for value types and their inheritance with Enum ValueType that confuses the situation when trying to explain it. People.. to explain it. People seem to think that because Enum and ValueType is in the inheritance chain of value types boxing suddenly doesn't.. The same can be seen when representing a value type as ValueType it also results in boxing class Program static void Main string..

Value Type Vs Reference Type - Object Class C#


it is a cheat p Any struct i.e. anything inherited from ValueType is treated with value type semantics. But there is a boxing..

C# object dumper


string prefix object element if element null element is ValueType element is string WriteIndent Write prefix WriteValue element.. Write Type t f null f.FieldType p.PropertyType if t.IsValueType t typeof string WriteValue f null f.GetValue element p.GetValue.. p null Type t f null f.FieldType p.PropertyType if t.IsValueType t typeof string object value f null f.GetValue element p.GetValue..

Why do primitive types in C# have their own operations?


is interfaces . From object there is a derived type called ValueType . Derivatives of ValueType are struct s which have value semantics... there is a derived type called ValueType . Derivatives of ValueType are struct s which have value semantics. All other derivatives..

Is everything in .NET an object?


us library ms173109.aspx rizzle Doesn't Int32 inherit from ValueType which inherits from Object If so despite the behavior an int.. Chris Farmer No the boxed type for int inherits from ValueType which inherits from Object. They're not objects in the traditional..

Most efficient way to check if an object is a value type


SEE ANTHONY'S COMMENTS Which is faster 1. public bool IsValueType T T obj return obj is ValueType 2. public bool IsValueType T.. is faster 1. public bool IsValueType T T obj return obj is ValueType 2. public bool IsValueType T T obj return obj null false obj.GetType.. T T obj return obj is ValueType 2. public bool IsValueType T T obj return obj null false obj.GetType .IsValueType 3. public..

What is the difference between .Equals and == [duplicate]


implementation of Equals for a value type is provided by ValueType and uses reflection to make the comparison which makes it significantly..

Deserializing heterogenous JSON array into covariant List<> using JSON.NET


return target public abstract class Item public string ValueType get set JsonProperty valueTypeId public int ValueTypeId get.. ValueType get set JsonProperty valueTypeId public int ValueTypeId get set JsonProperty name public string Name get set public.. ToString return Base object we dont' want base created ValueType this.ValueType name Name public class StringItem Item JsonProperty..

Adding SortedList or Dictionary<int, string> to ResourceDictionary


IDictionary public Type KeyType get set public Type ValueType get set private IDictionary _dictionary private IDictionary.. Dictionary var dictType type.MakeGenericType KeyType ValueType _dictionary IDictionary Activator.CreateInstance dictType .. me DictionaryFactory x Key dict KeyType sys Int32 ValueType sys String sys String x Key 0 Lorem sys String sys String x..

Performance difference for control structures 'for' and 'foreach' in C#


Code size 49 0x31 .maxstack 1 .locals init object V_0 valuetype mscorlib System.Collections.Generic.List`1 Enumerator object.. object V_1 IL_0000 ldarg.0 IL_0001 callvirt instance valuetype mscorlib System.Collections.Generic.List`1 Enumerator 0 class.. br.s IL_0017 IL_0009 ldloca.s V_1 IL_000b call instance 0 valuetype mscorlib System.Collections.Generic.List`1 Enumerator object..

Why Enum's HasFlag method need boxing?


Code size 28 0x1c .maxstack 2 .entrypoint .locals init 0 valuetype ConsoleApplication1.Fruit f 1 bool result IL_0000 nop IL_0001..

C# newbie: what's the difference between “bool” and “bool?”?


a null That example will compile into this .locals init valuetype mscorlib System.Nullable`1 int32 V_0 IL_0000 ldloca.s V_0 IL_0002.. int32 V_0 IL_0000 ldloca.s V_0 IL_0002 initobj valuetype mscorlib System.Nullable`1 int32 A call to initobj which initializes..

Convert an array of different value types to a byte array


obytes BitConverter.GetBytes char obj And so on for each valuetype Buffer.BlockCopy obytes 0 buffer offset obytes.Length offset..

Does using “new” on a strict allocate it on the heap or stack?


void mscorlib System.Guid .ctor string L_000b stsfld valuetype mscorlib System.Guid Test field L_0010 ret .method private.. cil managed .maxstack 2 .locals init 0 valuetype mscorlib System.Guid guid L_0001 ldloca.s guid L_0003 ldstr.. .ctor string L_000b call void Test MethodTakingGuid valuetype mscorlib System.Guid L_0011 ret .method private hidebysig static..

AutoMapper vs ValueInjecter [closed]


object there are also cases when you inject from object to valuetype automapper has flattening built it and only for simple types..

How to make a value type nullable with .NET XmlSerializer?


I understand a value type can't be set to null. A valuetype is always set to something. The serialization can't make the..

Get User SID From Logon ID (Windows XP and Up)


PrintProperty PropertyData pd string value null string valueType n a if pd.Value null value pd.Value.ToString valueType pd.Value.GetType.. valueType n a if pd.Value null value pd.Value.ToString valueType pd.Value.GetType .ToString Console.WriteLine 0 1 2 pd.Name.. .ToString Console.WriteLine 0 1 2 pd.Name valueType value private static void PrintProperties PropertyDataCollection..

Model Binding to Enums in ASP.NET MVC 3


var value providerValue.RawValue if null value var valueType value.GetType if valueType.IsEnum return Enum.ToObject propertyType.. if null value var valueType value.GetType if valueType.IsEnum return Enum.ToObject propertyType value return..

Deserializing heterogenous JSON array into covariant List<> using JSON.NET


JObject jObject var type string jObject.Property valueType switch type case int return new IntItem case string return.. class Item public string ValueType get set JsonProperty valueTypeId public int ValueTypeId get set JsonProperty name public string.. static void Main string args json string var json value 5 valueType int valueTypeId 1 name numberOfDups value some thing valueType..