

c# Programming Glossary: varbinary

.NET compression of XML to store in SQL Server database


and should I change the varcahr MAX colum to type to maybe varbinary Thanks in advance c# .net xml sql server 2005 compression ..

Store an image in a SQL Server CE database


Image column type is going away and that you should use varbinary MAX . Max is not supported on SQL Server CE so I did varbinary.. MAX . Max is not supported on SQL Server CE so I did varbinary 8000 . LATER NOTE while varbinary max is not supported on SQL.. SQL Server CE so I did varbinary 8000 . LATER NOTE while varbinary max is not supported on SQL Server CE. Varbinary 8000 is not..

Is it possible to use SqlGeography with Linq to Sql?


gone down the path of treating the geography column as a varbinary max as geography is a UDT stored as binary. This seems to work.. My question If I'm retrieving the geography column as varbinary max I might expect the reverse error can't cast byte to SqlGeography.. queries at the database level to return the column as a varbinary using the CAST statement. You can do this at the table level..

C# Equivalent of SQL Server 2005 DataTypes


Strings nchar nvarchar ntext Binary Strings binary varbinary image Other Data Types cursor timestamp hierarchyid uniqueidentifier.. type CLR data type SQL Server CLR data type .NET Framework varbinary SqlBytes SqlBinary Byte binary SqlBytes SqlBinary Byte varbinary.. SqlBytes SqlBinary Byte binary SqlBytes SqlBinary Byte varbinary 1 binary 1 SqlBytes SqlBinary byte Byte image None None varchar..

Getting binary data using SqlDataReader


What SqlDbType maps to varBinary(max)?


it is limited to 8K. SQL Server documentation says that varbinary max can store aprrox. 2GB. But SqlDbType.VarBinary says that..

Rendering bytes from sql server to an image control?


an example of how to get file streams in and out of a SQL varbinary max field. How to make a fileupload interface in ASP.NET Don't..

Retrieve an object from entityframework without ONE field


I've one little problem I've one table which have one varbinary MAX column with filestream . I'm using SQL request to manage..