

c# Programming Glossary: vastly

Setting Margin Properties in code


margin As a note for library design I would have vastly preferred it if Thickness were immutable but with methods that..

Why does adding local variables make .NET code slower


isMultipleOf16 1 0 count i 16 0 1 0 Behind the timing is vastly different assembly code 13 vs. 7 instructions in the loop. The.. but have no hint of the broader warm region that could be vastly improved by hand tweaking what we normally take for granted..

How to decide between MonoTouch and Objective-C?


simulator but that's enough to help you figure out if you vastly prefer one to the other and possible whether MonoTouch is for..

UDID for windows 8


be sure nothing will change. In the past MAC address was vastly used for this but mobile devices changed these rules because..

How to Compare two objects in unit test?


between Entities and Value Objects and those have vastly different equality semantics. When this is the case you can..

In separate data access & business logic layer, can I use Entity framework classes in business layer?


entities to make up a business object or they can be vastly different. To alleviate the need for a lot of left hand right..

Fastest way to interface between live (unsaved) Excel data and C# objects


range of data passed back and forth as an array. This is vastly more efficient than looping through the cells individually... and then looping through the values within the array is vastly faster than looping trough the values within the cells of the..

How to copy value from class X to class Y with the same property name in c#?


student Because this uses a compiled Expression it will vastly out perform reflection. If you don't have 3.5 then use reflection..

How to optimize MySQL Boolean Full-Text Search? (Or what to replace it with?) - C#


and preloading isn't an option there are still ways to vastly improve search query response times but they differ based on..