

c# Programming Glossary: validator

How to pass objects into an attribute constructor


public PropertyValidationAttribute IValidatorScheme validator this._ValidatorScheme validator The code won't compile. How.. IValidatorScheme validator this._ValidatorScheme validator The code won't compile. How can I pass an object into an attribute..

ASP.Net 2012 Unobtrusive Validation with jQuery


Web Application when I tried to add the traditional validator controls to a new page this error occurs WebForms UnobtrusiveValidationMode..

ServiceStack Request DTO design


Exception requires less boiler plate. So an example of a validator you could have is when first creating a booking public class..

How do I get the member to which my custom attribute was applied?


Customer Required public string Name get set Then your validator code which knows nothing about the actual entity being passed..

Validation Framework in .NET that can do edits between fields


less code than the alternative which is writing a custom validator class. Here's an example ConfigurationElementType typeof CustomValidatorData.. Default assemblyName Range Assembly ruleset name Default validator type Namespace .RangeValidator Validator Assembly name Range.. You can use the same techniques self validation and custom validator. Your scenario where you want to check a value in a database..

Validation: How to inject A Model State wrapper with Ninject?


IValidationProvider private readonly Func Type IValidator validatorFactory public ValidationProvider Func Type IValidator validatorFactory.. public ValidationProvider Func Type IValidator validatorFactory this.validatorFactory validatorFactory public void Validate.. Func Type IValidator validatorFactory this.validatorFactory validatorFactory public void Validate object entity ..

How does DataAnnotations really work in MVC?


file will handle the mapping of what your custom validator needs and will work out together with the jQuery Validation.. javascript script and append the new validation jQuery.validator.addMethod greater function value element param we need to take.. Date.parse param .val and then we write the adapter jQuery.validator.unobtrusive.adapters.add greater other function options pass..

ASP.NET Custom Validator Client side & Server Side validation not firing


TextBoxDTownCityClient Rendered custom validator span id ctl00_ctl00_content_content_CustomValidator2 style color.. onclick Button1_Click c# .net asp.net validation customvalidator share improve this question Your CustomValidator will only..

How to add validation attribute to model property in TemplateEditor in MVC3


share improve this question Instead of adding your validator in the template you should insert your validator using a custom.. your validator in the template you should insert your validator using a custom ModelMetadataValidatorProvider . First create.. metadata context attributes .ToList inject our new validator if metadata.ModelType.Name DateTime DataAnnotationsModelValidationFactory..

MVC3 Unobtrusive Validation Not Working after Ajax Call


in the Success callback you need to have the client side validator reparse the form and I am trying that but it doesn't seem to.. function RebindValidation alert Rebinding Validation .validator.unobtrusive.parse #frmAddItem End OnLoad Event script h3 class.. goes away. The Rebinding Validation alert fires but the .validator.unobtrusive.parse #frmAddItem doesn't seem to be doing a thing...

Validate assemblies and namespaces in VAB config file


TEntity AddValidator ValidatorData validator if validator null throw new ArgumentNullException validator.. TEntity AddValidator ValidatorData validator if validator null throw new ArgumentNullException validator 'Name' is the.. if validator null throw new ArgumentNullException validator 'Name' is the default value when the validator has not been..

Database injection into a validation attribute with ASP MVC and Castle Windsor


articleRepository public override IValidator Build var validator new UniqueUrlNodeValidator articleRepository ErrorMessage message.. ErrorMessage message ConfigureValidatorMessage validator return validator My problem is that I cannot seem to make Windsor.. message ConfigureValidatorMessage validator return validator My problem is that I cannot seem to make Windsor intercept the..

Validating DataAnnotations with Validator class


DataAnnotations with Validator class I'm trying to validate a class decorated with dataannotation.. to validate a class decorated with dataannotation with the Validator class . It works fine when the attributes are applied to the.. it doesn't work. Is there anything I should do with the Validator so it uses the metadata class Here's some code.. this works..

.NET 4 RTM MetadataType attribute ignored when using Validator


4 RTM MetadataType attribute ignored when using Validator I am using VS 2010 RTM and trying to perform some basic validation.. static void Main string args Stuff t new Stuff try Validator.ValidateProperty t.X new ValidationContext t null null MemberName.. share improve this question It seems that the Validator doesn't respect MetadataTypeAttribute http forums.silverlight.net..

Validation: How to inject A Model State wrapper with Ninject?


IValidationProvider private readonly Func Type IValidator validatorFactory public ValidationProvider Func Type IValidator.. validatorFactory public ValidationProvider Func Type IValidator validatorFactory this.validatorFactory validatorFactory public.. results The ValidationProvider depends on IValidator instances that do the actual validation. The provider itself..

How does DataAnnotations really work in MVC?


yield return rule Then you need to write the new jQuery Validator and the metadata adapter that will link the jQuery.Validation.. options pass the 'other' property value to the jQuery Validator options.rules greater # options.param.other when this rule fails..

ASP.NET Custom Validator Client side & Server Side validation not firing


Custom Validator Client side Server Side validation not firing This has not.. runat server CssClass contactfield asp CustomValidator ID CustomValidator2 runat server EnableClientScript true ErrorMessage.. server CssClass contactfield asp CustomValidator ID CustomValidator2 runat server EnableClientScript true ErrorMessage Delivery..