

c++ Programming Glossary: b.x

Reflective Factory in C++ Derived class unable to access protected methods?


protected int x struct derived base static void f base b b.x 5 Error cannot access base x from this context share improve..

C++ std::sort with predicate function in Class


struct s int x int y bool cmp struct s a struct s b if a.x b.x return a.y b.y else return a.x b.x int func void std vector.. s a struct s b if a.x b.x return a.y b.y else return a.x b.x int func void std vector struct s vec ... sort vec.begin vec.end.. struct s int x int y bool cmp struct s a struct s b if a.x b.x return a.y b.y else return a.x b.x class sample ... 2 struct..

Edges on polygon outlines not always correct


nxt nxt.x input i 1 0 nxt.y input i 1 1 POINTFLOAT b b.x nxt.x cur.x b.y nxt.y cur.y b normalize b POINTFLOAT b_perp.. b normalize b POINTFLOAT b_perp b_perp.x b.y b_perp.y b.x POINTFLOAT p0 POINTFLOAT p1 POINTFLOAT p2 POINTFLOAT p3 p0.x.. a_perp a_perp.x a.y a_perp.y a.x float det a.x b.y b.x a.y if det 0 a_perp.x a_perp.x a_perp.y a_perp.y b_perp.x b_perp.x..

How to use std::sort with a vector of structures and compare function?


b.alfa return true if a.alfa b.alfa return false if a.x b.x return true if a.x b.x return false return false Usage sort.. a.alfa b.alfa return false if a.x b.x return true if a.x b.x return false return false Usage sort wektor.begin wektor.end..

Implicit conversion not happening


T V T operator const V T a const V T b return V T a.x b.x int main V float a 1 V float b 2 S float c b b a V float c 1..

Difference between char and char[1]


an array isn't SomeStruct a a.x 'a' a.y 0 'a' SomeStruct b b.x a.x OK b.y a.y not OK b.y 0 a.y 0 OK But the fact that y isn't..

distance calculation error in c++ [closed]


const Point a const Point b int k int sqrt float a.x b.x a.x b.x a.y b.y a.y b.y return k int main vector Point a 10.. Point a const Point b int k int sqrt float a.x b.x a.x b.x a.y b.y a.y b.y return k int main vector Point a 10 for int..

Finding nearest point in an efficient way


are sorted in this way bool less point a point b if a.x b.x return a.x b.x else return a.y b.y c algorithm geometry .. this way bool less point a point b if a.x b.x return a.x b.x else return a.y b.y c algorithm geometry share improve this..

xutility file?


distance CvPoint a CvPoint b float dist sqrt float a.x b.x a.x b.x a.y b.y a.y b.y return dist void expirePositions for.. CvPoint a CvPoint b float dist sqrt float a.x b.x a.x b.x a.y b.y a.y b.y return dist void expirePositions for int i 0..

Again - parallax mapping issue in OpenGL, GLSL. It's not as usual as it seem to be


vec3 b cross t n tangent.w mat3 tbnMatrix mat3 t.x b.x n.x t.y b.y n.y t.z b.z n.z lightDir gl_LightSource 0 .position.xyz..

Cuda version not working while serial working


double dot const Point2D A const Point2D B return A.x B.x A.y B.y __device__ Point2D operator double a const Point2D P.. operator Point2D A const Point2D B return Point2D A.x B.x A.y B.y __device__ Point2D operator Point2D A const Point2D.. operator Point2D A const Point2D B return Point2D A.x B.x A.y B.y __device__ Point2D inter const Point2D A const Point2D..