

c++ Programming Glossary: hconnect

WCHAR to String, how do i do it?


NULL BOOL bResults FALSE HINTERNET hSession NULL hConnect NULL hRequest NULL Use WinHttpOpen to obtain a session handle... 0 Specify an HTTP server. if hSession hConnect WinHttpConnect hSession L www.google.com INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT.. 0 Create an HTTP request handle. if hConnect hRequest WinHttpOpenRequest hConnect L GET NULL NULL WINHTTP_NO_REFERER..

How to download a file with WinHTTP in C/C++?


vFileContent BOOL bResults FALSE HINTERNET hSession NULL hConnect NULL hRequest NULL Use WinHttpOpen to obtain a session handle... 0 Specify an HTTP server. if hSession hConnect WinHttpConnect hSession L nytimes.com INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT.. 0 Create an HTTP request handle. if hConnect hRequest WinHttpOpenRequest hConnect L GET L ref multimedia..