

c++ Programming Glossary: severity

C++ logging framework suggestions


logging framework with the following features logs have a severity info warning error critical etc logs are tagged with a module.. which modules we will actually log to file and the minimum severity required for a log to be written to file. has a viewer which.. to file. has a viewer which lets me search per module severity module name error name etc c logging share improve this question..

Rendering issue with different computers


types str_idx const char ETB_GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_STR GLenum severity static const char severities High Medium Low Unknown int str_idx.. char severities High Medium Low Unknown int str_idx min severity GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_HIGH sizeof severities sizeof const char return.. str_idx DWORD ETB_GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_COLOR GLenum severity static DWORD severities 0xff0000ff High Red 0xff00ffff Med Yellow..

How do you validate an object's internal state?


a broken invariant during testing is filed as a high severity bug just as a crash would be. Builds for testing during development..

What is boost log, how to get it and how to build it


int main int char BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL trace A trace severity message BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL debug A debug severity message BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL.. A trace severity message BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL debug A debug severity message BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL info An informational severity message.. severity message BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL info An informational severity message BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL warning A warning severity message..

How much footprint does C++ exception handling add


implement your exception handling. But being anecdotal the severity of an event that should cause an exception will take just as..

Why is strncpy insecure?


with this strcpy or at most report a problem with lower severity than a strcpy whose argument is attacker controlled. main char..

Requirements for target application for Visual Studio 11's Graphics Debugger


If you have the debug layer break on severity option turned on which in general you should this will raise..