

c++ Programming Glossary: unpacked

Running libsandbox


of new in the Linux environment. I've download the tar.gz unpacked it configured it and make install it. This ran without any errors..

SSE instructions to add all elements of an array


data unpack it to a wider element size and then sum the unpacked elements. Note that you can maintain multiple partial sums until..

C++ struct alignment question


packed USED ONLY TO COMPARE IMPLEMENTATIONS struct unpacked THIS IS THE EXAMPLE STRUCT uint32_t a uint32_t b uint32_t c.. b uint32_t c uint32_t troubleMaker NOTE NOT PACKED struct unpacked su struct packed_with_bit_fields sp char bits Lorem ipsum dolor..

Using ffmpeg static libraries in an visual studio explress C++ 2010 project


ffmpeg.zeranoe.com builds win32 dev Shared and Dev and unpacked them into ffmpeg shared and ffmpeg dev respectively Create a..

What are the rules for the “…” token in the context of variadic template?


pattern is on the left side of ... is repeated &mdash the unpacked patterns call them expressions now are separated by comma ...

using declaration in variadic template


one extra lambda case and apply the using clause to the unpacked lambda and the rest but in this case since i apparently i cannot.. inductively by placing two using declarations one from the unpacked lambda type and another from the parent class which is actually..