

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:03:30

iphone Programming Glossary: addoperation

Optimized Image Loading in a UIScrollView


thumbView.loaded UnloadImageOperation unloadOperation UnloadImageOperation alloc initWithOperableImage thumbView queue addOperation unloadOperation unloadOperation release void loadImages NSRange range UIScrollView scrollView UIScrollView self.view subviews.. if thumbView.loaded LoadImageOperation loadOperation LoadImageOperation alloc initWithOperableImage thumbView queue addOperation loadOperation loadOperation release EDIT Thanks for the really great responses. Here is my NSOperation code and ThumbnailView..

Bug in UIKit string drawing method?


withFont UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize 12 lineBreakMode UILineBreakModeTailTruncation UIGraphicsEndImageContext queue addOperation op You can easily replicate this crash with the code above. Anyone have any insight as to the nature of this crash and why..

Weak references inside a block


^ UIImage image render some image what if by the time I get here self no longer exists NSOperationQueue mainQueue addOperationWithBlock ^ weakSelf setImageViewImage image self.renderQueue addOperation op So my question is let's say that by the time.. no longer exists NSOperationQueue mainQueue addOperationWithBlock ^ weakSelf setImageViewImage image self.renderQueue addOperation op So my question is let's say that by the time the image finishes rendering and that line comes back the Cell object no..

How do I do an Asychronous NSURLConnection inside an NSOperation?


alloc init autorelease LibXMLOperation op LibXMLOperation alloc init autorelease self.sharedOperationQueue addOperation op Here is my operation @interface EbirdLibXMLOperation NSOperation @private NSURLConnection urlConnection Overall state..

NSThread vs. NSOperationQueue vs. ??? on the iPhone


self selector @selector cacheImage object image NSOperationQueue opQueue NSOperationQueue alloc init opQueue addOperation invOperation Is there any reason to switch away from NSThread GCD is a 4th option when it's released for the iPhone but..

iphone ios running in separate thread


operation NSInvocationOperation alloc initWithTarget self selector @selector doStuff object nil queue addOperation operation operation release queue release I've been doing the second way but the Wesley Cookbook I've been reading uses..

iOS Application Background Downloading


request setDidFinishSelector @selector requestDone request setDidFailSelector @selector requestWentWrong self.queue addOperation request queue is an NSOperationQueue self.queue go void requestDone ASIHTTPRequest request NSString response request responseString..

setKeepAliveTimeout and BackgroundTasks


@ startingKeepAliveTimeout MyPushOperation op MyPushOperation alloc initWithNotificationFlag 0 andDataSource nil queue addOperation op op release The NSOperation then starts a background task using the following block code #pragma mark SyncRequests void..

Is calling -[NSRunLoop runUntilDate:] a good idea?


setCompletionBlock ^ set local variable isWorking NO request setFailedBlock ^ show alert to user isWorking NO queue addOperation request while isWorking NSRunLoop currentRunLoop runUntilDate NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow 0.1 Again this seems to..

Question about Apple's LazyTableImages sample - Doesn't behave exactly like the app store


operation NSInvocationOperation alloc initWithTarget self selector @selector loadImage object nil queue addOperation operation operation release queue release Then add a loadImage like this void loadImage NSData imageData NSData alloc initWithContents..

UIWebView - Enabling Action Sheets on <img> tags


NSInvocationOperation alloc initWithTarget self selector @selector saveImageURL object selectedImageURL queue addOperation operation operation release This checks what the user wants to do and handles most of them only the save image operation..

Objective-C: Asynchronously populate UITableView - how to do this?


op CIMGFSimpleDownloadOperation alloc initWithURLRequest request andDelegate self NSOperationQueue mainQueue addOperation op self setDownloadOperation op Hold onto a reference in case we want to cancel it op release op nil Now when the view appears..

AFNetworking Post Request with json feedback


otherButtonTitles NULL alert show alert release NSOperationQueue queue NSOperationQueue alloc init autorelease queue addOperation operation NSLog @ check Thank you very much for your help in advance iphone json post afnetworking share improve this..

AFNetworking Uploading a file


@ Sent d of d bytes totalBytesWritten totalBytesExpectedToWrite queue NSOperationQueue alloc init autorelease queue addOperation operation I get errors on the following lines formData appendPartWithFileData myNSDataToSend mimeType @ image jpeg name..

UIWebView in multithread ViewController


operation NSInvocationOperation alloc initWithTarget self selector @selector load object nil operationQueue addOperation operation operation release void load NSThread sleepForTimeInterval 5 self performSelectorOnMainThread @selector done withObject..

UIImage to be displayed progressively from server


alloc initWithTarget self selector @selector loadPartialImage object nil NSOperationQueue alloc init autorelease addOperation operation operation release void loadPartialImage This is where you would call the function that would stitch up your partial..

iOS - How to know when NSOperationQueue finish processing a few operations?


op1 NSInvocationOperation alloc initWithTarget self selector @selector doSomething object nil queue addOperation op1 doneOp addDependency op1 NSInvocationOperation op2 NSInvocationOperation alloc initWithTarget self selector @selector.. op2 NSInvocationOperation alloc initWithTarget self selector @selector doSomething object nil queue addOperation op2 doneOp addDependency op2 NSInvocationOperation op3 NSInvocationOperation alloc initWithTarget self selector @selector.. op3 NSInvocationOperation alloc initWithTarget self selector @selector doSomething object nil queue addOperation op3 doneOp addDependency op3 queue addOperation doneOp doneOp will only run after op1 op2 and op3 have finished executing...