

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:05:09

iphone Programming Glossary: cmtimegetseconds

Rewind AVPlayer by 5 seconds


your answers... iphone ios stream avplayer share improve this question NSTimeInterval currentPlaybackTime return CMTimeGetSeconds self.playerView.player.currentItem.currentTime void setCurrentPlaybackTime NSTimeInterval time CMTime cmTime CMTimeMakeWithSeconds..

How to get file size and current file size from NSURL for AVPlayer iOS4.0


ever one NSValue in the array NSValue value times objectAtIndex 0 CMTimeRange range value getValue range float start CMTimeGetSeconds range.start float duration CMTimeGetSeconds range.duration _videoAvailable start duration this is a float property of my.. times objectAtIndex 0 CMTimeRange range value getValue range float start CMTimeGetSeconds range.start float duration CMTimeGetSeconds range.duration _videoAvailable start duration this is a float property of my VC self performSelectorOnMainThread @selector.. updates a progress bar like so void updateVideoAvailable CMTime playerDuration self playerItemDuration double duration CMTimeGetSeconds playerDuration _videoAvailableBar.progress _videoAvailable duration this is a UIProgressView share improve this answer..

Check play state of AVPlayer


queue usingBlock . Example is from Apple Assume a property @property retain id playerObserver Float64 durationSeconds CMTimeGetSeconds #An asset# duration CMTime firstThird CMTimeMakeWithSeconds durationSeconds 3.0 1 CMTime secondThird CMTimeMakeWithSeconds..

AVPlayer Video SeekToTime


self durationInSeconds self.seeker.value self currentTimeInSeconds Float64 durationInSeconds Float64 dur CMTimeGetSeconds duration return dur Float64 currentTimeInSeconds Float64 dur CMTimeGetSeconds self.player currentTime return dur And that's.. Float64 durationInSeconds Float64 dur CMTimeGetSeconds duration return dur Float64 currentTimeInSeconds Float64 dur CMTimeGetSeconds self.player currentTime return dur And that's it there are two gotchas in this code first the duration property returns..

How to combine video clips with different orientation using AVFoundation


is f n source vid track timerange is f f n composition duration is f n composition vid track time range is f f CMTimeGetSeconds sourceAsset duration CMTimeGetSeconds sourceVideoTrack.timeRange.start CMTimeGetSeconds sourceVideoTrack.timeRange.duration.. is f f n composition duration is f n composition vid track time range is f f CMTimeGetSeconds sourceAsset duration CMTimeGetSeconds sourceVideoTrack.timeRange.start CMTimeGetSeconds sourceVideoTrack.timeRange.duration CMTimeGetSeconds composition duration.. vid track time range is f f CMTimeGetSeconds sourceAsset duration CMTimeGetSeconds sourceVideoTrack.timeRange.start CMTimeGetSeconds sourceVideoTrack.timeRange.duration CMTimeGetSeconds composition duration CMTimeGetSeconds compositionVideoTrack.timeRange.start..

AVPlayer streaming progress


loadedTimeRanges CMTimeRange timeRange loadedTimeRanges objectAtIndex 0 CMTimeRangeValue float startSeconds CMTimeGetSeconds timeRange.start float durationSeconds CMTimeGetSeconds timeRange.duration NSTimeInterval result startSeconds durationSeconds..