

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:05:10

iphone Programming Glossary: cmtimerange

Merge Two Video files in iPhone Application


filePath exportSession.outputURL NSURL fileURLWithPath filePath exportSession.outputFileType AVFileTypeQuickTimeMovie CMTimeRange range if i 0 CMTime start CMTimeMakeWithSeconds 0.0 600 CMTime duration CMTimeMakeWithSeconds 10.0 600 range CMTimeRangeMake.. range if i 0 CMTime start CMTimeMakeWithSeconds 0.0 600 CMTime duration CMTimeMakeWithSeconds 10.0 600 range CMTimeRangeMake start duration else CMTime start CMTimeMakeWithSeconds 10.0 600 range CMTimeRangeMake start anAsset.duration exportSession.timeRange.. 10.0 600 range CMTimeRangeMake start duration else CMTime start CMTimeMakeWithSeconds 10.0 600 range CMTimeRangeMake start anAsset.duration exportSession.timeRange range exportSession exportAsynchronouslyWithCompletionHandler ^ dispatch_async..

How can I overlap audio files and combine for iPhone in Xcode?


0 1 CMTime trackDuration songAsset.duration CMTime longestTime CMTimeMake 848896 44100 19.24 seconds CMTimeRange tRange CMTimeRangeMake startTime trackDuration Set Volume AVMutableAudioMixInputParameters trackMix AVMutableAudioMixInputParameters.. 1 CMTime trackDuration songAsset.duration CMTime longestTime CMTimeMake 848896 44100 19.24 seconds CMTimeRange tRange CMTimeRangeMake startTime trackDuration Set Volume AVMutableAudioMixInputParameters trackMix AVMutableAudioMixInputParameters audioMixInputParametersWithTrack..

Merging Audio with Video Objective-C


CMTime nextClipStartTime kCMTimeZero AVURLAsset videoAsset AVURLAsset alloc initWithURL video_inputFileUrl options nil CMTimeRange video_timeRange CMTimeRangeMake kCMTimeZero videoAsset.duration AVMutableCompositionTrack a_compositionVideoTrack mixComposition.. AVURLAsset videoAsset AVURLAsset alloc initWithURL video_inputFileUrl options nil CMTimeRange video_timeRange CMTimeRangeMake kCMTimeZero videoAsset.duration AVMutableCompositionTrack a_compositionVideoTrack mixComposition addMutableTrackWithMediaType.. error nil NSLog @ c AVURLAsset audioAsset AVURLAsset alloc initWithURL audio_inputFileUrl options nil CMTimeRange audio_timeRange CMTimeRangeMake kCMTimeZero audioAsset.duration AVMutableCompositionTrack b_compositionAudioTrack mixComposition..

How to use scaleTimeRange in an AVMutableComposition?


length of video in an AVMutableComposition to speed it up or slow it down. I know the code to do it is scaleTimeRange CMTimeRange timeRange toDuration CMTime duration The problem is that I don't know how to use that code. What I have currently for my.. AVMediaTypeAudio preferredTrackID kCMPersistentTrackID_Invalid compositionCommentaryTrack insertTimeRange CMTimeRangeMake kCMTimeZero videoAsset.duration ofTrack audioAsset tracksWithMediaType AVMediaTypeAudio objectAtIndex 0 atTime kCMTimeZero.. AVMediaTypeVideo preferredTrackID kCMPersistentTrackID_Invalid compositionVideoTrack insertTimeRange CMTimeRangeMake kCMTimeZero videoAsset.duration ofTrack videoAsset tracksWithMediaType AVMediaTypeVideo objectAtIndex 0 atTime kCMTimeZero..

AVAsset and AVAssetTrack - Track Management in IOS 4.0


AVURLAsset URLAssetWithURL sourceMovieURL options nil Then add your video to your composition calculate time CMTimeRange editRange CMTimeRangeMake CMTimeMake 0 600 CMTimeMake sourceAsset.duration.value sourceAsset.duration.timescale and add.. sourceMovieURL options nil Then add your video to your composition calculate time CMTimeRange editRange CMTimeRangeMake CMTimeMake 0 600 CMTimeMake sourceAsset.duration.value sourceAsset.duration.timescale and add into your composition..

How to get file size and current file size from NSURL for AVPlayer iOS4.0


times playerItem.loadedTimeRanges there is only ever one NSValue in the array NSValue value times objectAtIndex 0 CMTimeRange range value getValue range float start CMTimeGetSeconds range.start float duration CMTimeGetSeconds range.duration _videoAvailable..

Pre-buffering for AVQueuePlayer


I found out is that a few seconds in the queue's first item the loadedTimeRanges for the second item shows up a new CMTimeRange with start time 0 and some small duration. The duration can increase up to 60 or so seconds while the previous item keeps..

Make movie file with picture Array and song file, using AVAsset


CMTime nextClipStartTime kCMTimeZero AVURLAsset videoAsset AVURLAsset alloc initWithURL video_inputFileUrl options nil CMTimeRange video_timeRange CMTimeRangeMake kCMTimeZero videoAsset.duration AVMutableCompositionTrack a_compositionVideoTrack mixComposition.. AVURLAsset videoAsset AVURLAsset alloc initWithURL video_inputFileUrl options nil CMTimeRange video_timeRange CMTimeRangeMake kCMTimeZero videoAsset.duration AVMutableCompositionTrack a_compositionVideoTrack mixComposition addMutableTrackWithMediaType.. a_timeRange.duration AVURLAsset audioAsset AVURLAsset alloc initWithURL audio_inputFileUrl options nil CMTimeRange audio_timeRange CMTimeRangeMake kCMTimeZero audioAsset.duration AVMutableCompositionTrack b_compositionAudioTrack mixComposition..

Using AVAssetReader to read (stream) from a remote asset


and initialize an associated AVMutableCompositionTrack of type AVMediaTypeVideo. Insert the appropriate CMTimeRange from video track retrieved earlier into this AVMutableCompositionTrack. Similar to b and c now create your AVAssetReader.. video tracks successfully but while trying to create the AVMutableCompositionTrack it fails when trying to insert the CMTimeRange from the source track into the AVMutableCompositionTrack with an 'Unknown Error' NSOSStatusErrorDomain 12780. 4 Remote M3U8's..

Combining two .caf files on iPhone


0 1 CMTime trackDuration songAsset.duration CMTime longestTime CMTimeMake 848896 44100 19.24 seconds CMTimeRange tRange CMTimeRangeMake startTime trackDuration Set Volume AVMutableAudioMixInputParameters trackMix AVMutableAudioMixInputParameters.. 1 CMTime trackDuration songAsset.duration CMTime longestTime CMTimeMake 848896 44100 19.24 seconds CMTimeRange tRange CMTimeRangeMake startTime trackDuration Set Volume AVMutableAudioMixInputParameters trackMix AVMutableAudioMixInputParameters audioMixInputParametersWithTrack..

AVPlayer streaming progress


have the following NSTimeInterval availableDuration NSArray loadedTimeRanges self.player currentItem loadedTimeRanges CMTimeRange timeRange loadedTimeRanges objectAtIndex 0 CMTimeRangeValue float startSeconds CMTimeGetSeconds timeRange.start float durationSeconds.. loadedTimeRanges self.player currentItem loadedTimeRanges CMTimeRange timeRange loadedTimeRanges objectAtIndex 0 CMTimeRangeValue float startSeconds CMTimeGetSeconds timeRange.start float durationSeconds CMTimeGetSeconds timeRange.duration NSTimeInterval..

MOV to Mp4 video conversion iPhone Programmatically


AVFileTypeMPEG4 CMTime start CMTimeMakeWithSeconds 1.0 600 CMTime duration CMTimeMakeWithSeconds 3.0 600 CMTimeRange range CMTimeRangeMake start duration exportSession.timeRange range exportSession exportAsynchronouslyWithCompletionHandler.. CMTime start CMTimeMakeWithSeconds 1.0 600 CMTime duration CMTimeMakeWithSeconds 3.0 600 CMTimeRange range CMTimeRangeMake start duration exportSession.timeRange range exportSession exportAsynchronouslyWithCompletionHandler ^ switch exportSession..