

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:14

iphone Programming Glossary: increase

UITableView: deleting sections with animation


to be this If you look above where I list the number of cells in each section you will see that section 5 appears to increase by 1. However this is not true. The original section 5 has actually been deleted and another section has taken its place..

How to make a UITextField move up when keyboard is present


if movedUp 1. move the view's origin up so that the text field that will be hidden come above the keyboard 2. increase the size of the view so that the area behind the keyboard is covered up. rect.origin.y kOFFSET_FOR_KEYBOARD rect.size.height..

How to stop UITextView from scrolling up when entering it


Limit of localstorage on iPhone?


is 5.0 MB. If your database grows beyond this limit the user will automatically be asked to allow or deny the size increase. If he allows the increase the database size limit will be upped to 10.MB Source http ofps.oreilly.com titles 9780596805784.. grows beyond this limit the user will automatically be asked to allow or deny the size increase. If he allows the increase the database size limit will be upped to 10.MB Source http ofps.oreilly.com titles 9780596805784 ch05_id35816678.html#ch05_id35933214..

Max size iPad / iPhone Offline Application Cache


than 5MB the first time and you update the cache by window.applicationCache.update and before doing the update you increase the manifest files to be below 10mb it will work. If you continue doing that increasing the manifest by 5MB each time and..

How to dynamically resize UITableViewCell height


with editable UITextViews inside every cell. This text views can be single or multi lined and I want the cell to increase its height as the user writes and the text starts a new line. My question is do I need to reload the whole table just to.. height as the user writes and the text starts a new line. My question is do I need to reload the whole table just to increase the height of a cell Isn't there any other method I've been searching a lot and previous answers and tutorials just talk..

Compensating compass lag with the gyroscope on iPhone 4


I call horizontal that regardless of whether the device is pointing up or down will give values from 0 to 360 and increase when the device is swung clockwise though I am still having trouble when deviceManager.gravity.z is around 0 the yaw value..

Round two corners in UIView


more dirty . Essentially you could create a mask layer with the rounded corner you need all corners . Then you should increase the height of the mask layer by the value of the corner radius. In this way the bottom rounded corners are hidden and you.. with the layoutSubviews method in example. void viewDidLoad set the radius CGFloat radius 50.0 set the mask frame and increase the height by the corner radius to hide bottom corners CGRect maskFrame self.view.bounds maskFrame.size.height radius create..

Creating a JSON Store For iPhone


4 With high complexity and high size Core Data is clearly the superior choice. Core Data is highly optimized so that increase in graph size don't bog things down as much as they do with SQL. You also get highly intelligent caching. Also don't confuse..

Fix font size issue on Mobile Safari (iPhone) where text is rendered inconsistently and some fonts are larger than others?


mobile safari share improve this question Mobile Safari like Chrome for Android Mobile Firefox and IE Mobile increases the font size of wide blocks at all times such that if you double tap to zoom in on that block which fits the block to.. portrait phones you can use mobile specific css to avoid affecting desktop browsers then Mobile Safari won't need to increase any font sizes and browsers which reflow text like the Android Browser and Opera Mobile also won't need to change your layout..

How to control the line spacing in UILabel


lines of text you will have to subclass UILabel and roll your own drawTextInRect or create multiple labels. See How to increase a space between two lines in multiline label This is a really old answer and other have already addded the new and better..

How to record and play sound in iPhone app?


kAudioSessionProperty_OverrideAudioRoute sizeof audioRouteOverride audioRouteOverride It will increase volume. The functionality of the code is to convert the ordinary sound to speaker sound on ur iPhone. That's why kAudioSessionOverrideAudioRoute_Speaker..

How can I optimize the rendering of a large model in OpenGL ES 1.1?


of a large model in OpenGL ES 1.1 I just finished implementing VBO's in my 3D app and saw a roughly 5 10x speed increase in rendering. What used to render at 1 2 frames per second now renders at 10 11 frames per second. My question is are there.. per second now renders at 10 11 frames per second. My question is are there any further improvements I can make to increase rendering speed Will triangle strips make a big difference Currently vertices are not being shared between faces each faces..

Version vs build in XCode 4


release or for the entire product lifetime. Many developers start the Build number at 0 and every time they build they increase the number by one increasing forever. In my projects I have a script that automatically increases the build number every.. time they build they increase the number by one increasing forever. In my projects I have a script that automatically increases the build number every time I build. See instructions for that below. Release 1.0.0 might be build 542. It took 542 builds..

How to get click event from a button added over MKAnnotationView


adding so most of the button will not respond to touches and even if you switch to using an MKAnnotationView and increase the frame size the MKMapView will prevent the button from getting any touches. What you'll need to do is add a UITapGestureRecognizer..

Objective c, Memory management of instance members


retaincount it not really reliable. Second your property is set to retain. So when you assign some thing to it it will increase the reatincount. As will alloc . Doing it like this you are leaking self.detailedResultsMapViewController DetailedResultsMapViewController..