

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:25

iphone Programming Glossary: overridden

Custom draw a UITableViewCell


UITableViewCell I am trying to create a UITableViewCell which overrides the complete drawing of the contents. I have overridden drawRect which is being called but it still draws the default contents. How do I get it to stop drawing the default contents..

Description of initWithNibName, awakeFromNib and viewDidLoad?


you create the view controller in IB add it to your project basically IB calls initWithNibName but unless you have overridden the default encodeWithCoder any transient variables that you've set up there will be gone when the view is loaded from the..

Multiple UIInterfaceOrientations app with iOS 6


IOSurfaces - Artefacts in video and unable to grab video surfaces


call to IOSurfaceAcceleratorTransferSurface . I am using a lock tried both asynchronous and read only but it is being overridden by the iOS. I changed the code between the lock unlock part to the following minimal IOSurfaceLock screenSurface kIOSurfaceLockReadOnly..

Set device volume on iPhone


device volume turned down the sound will still play quietly. I know that Apple says that the device volume cannot be overridden but yet the Alarm Clock apps out there somehow are able to do this so there must be a way. I believe that this can be done..

How to resize a UIPresentationFormSheet?


The view appears but I can't seem to resize it. My XIB has the proper height width but it seems to get overridden when I call it like this composeTweetController ComposeTweet alloc initWithNibName @ ComposeTweet bundle nil composeTweetController.modalPresentationStyle..

indentationLevelForRowAtIndexPath not indenting custom cell


not indenting custom cell I have overridden the tableView indentationLevelForRowAtIndexPath method in my UITableViewController derived class as follows NSInteger tableView..

drawRect not being called in my subclass of UIImageView


me to think it never gets called at all. Isn't it supposed to be called when the view first loads Have I incorrectly overridden it iphone objective c cocoa touch uikit share improve this question It'll only get called if the view is visible and..

UINavigationController navigation stack problems in landscape mode


arrayWithObjects nv1 nv2 nv3 nv4 nv5 nv6 nv7 nv8 nil To implement landscape capability the UITabBarController is overridden to autorotate when required CustomTabBarController.m BOOL shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation UIInterfaceOrientation..

How to draw an UILabel in -drawRect:?


CGRect rect for that. BUT the documentation says You should not call this method directly. This method should only be overridden by subclasses that want to modify the default drawing behavior for the label ™s text. So How to draw it then in drawRect..

How to avoid superclass methods getting overridden by sub class in objective - c


to avoid superclass methods getting overridden by sub class in objective c Like in java A final class cannot be subclassed. This is done for reasons of security and efficiency..

What is the definitive checklist for Apple app store submittals?


device resolution checking anything here 6 multitasking anything here 7 what exact methods in which classes should be overridden 8 anything else Submittal checklist 1 make 72x72 icon 2 make 512x512 icon 3 write up page for iTunes how do you do this..

Custom UITableViewCell and animation on setSelected:animated:


object from 1 to 0. Will this call drawRect repeatedly to animate Update I managed to get this almost working. I've overridden setSelected animated like so void setSelected BOOL selected animated BOOL animated super setSelected selected animated NO..

When should I use the ?œself??keyword?


are some side effects that may occur when using setters or getters here because they are methods and hence may be overridden. For example take a class A with a property foo that has been subclassed by class B . The subclass B adds an property bar..

release Vs nil — Best Practice


semantics this will not implicitly release whatever foo was pointing at. Also as Ryan pointed out a property can be overridden to have side effects. For this reason it is best to follow the pattern of always using foo release To ensure that you don't..

What is the best way to deal with the NSDateFormatter locale “feature”?


ten different apps and the first one I look at has 43 instances of this scenario. So any clever ideas for a macro overridden class whatever to minimize the effort to change everything without making the code to obscure My first instinct is to override..

ObjectiveC ivars or @property


a real ivar. Technically you should not use the property in the init or dealloc methods because a subclass might have overridden them or in dealloc you might set off a KVO notification. From Sam's answer and comments If you want a property regardless..

Embed Google Maps on page without overriding iPhone scroll behavior


Now when I use my finger to scroll down the mobile page on an iPhone once I get to the map the page scrolling is overridden and the map starts panning. The only way for me to scroll farther down the page is to put my finger above or below the map..

UIScrollView touches vs subview touches


tabbar item image and selectedImage


in your switch statements. Note that if you have multiple tab bars in your app and you don't want them to all be overridden in this way you can define these methods on a subclass of UITabBarItem instead of as a category. Then you can set the class..