

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:25

iphone Programming Glossary: overwrite

Setting action for back button in navigation controller


action for back button in navigation controller I'm trying to overwrite the default action of the back button in a navigation controller. I've provided a target an action on the custom button... backButton How can I get it to call my custom action before going back to the root view Is there a way to overwrite the default back action or is there a method that is always called when leaving a view viewDidUnload doesn't do that iphone..

Opening popup links in UIWebView, possible?


form posts and calls to window.open . I used a similar approach to the first code snipped in Jasarian's answer to overwrite the target for links and forms by iterating over tags and forms. To override window.open I used code similar to the following..

How disable Copy, Cut, Select, Select All in UITextView


Please tell me how to disable this feature. iphone share improve this question Subclass UITextView and overwrite canBecomeFirstResponder BOOL canBecomeFirstResponder return NO Note that this only applies for non editable UITextViews..

HowTo initialise MKMapView with a given user location?


position again. Is it possible to skip that or to change the first user position for mkMapView Edit Is it possible to overwrite MKMapView and use an other LocationManager iphone cocoa touch mkmapview core location share improve this question Yes..

iPhone - dealloc - Release vs. nil


setter for the property that is supposed to cleanup more than just the instance variable backing the property. Will overwrite the pointer baz referencing the object with nil but not release the object. The result is a memory leak. Never do this...

UITextView disabling text selection [duplicate]


How to draw an UIImage or directly in -drawRect:?


which I want to draw on a UIView. But instead of creating an UIImageView and adding this as an subview I want to overwrite drawRect and draw my UIView directly. For example my code looks like void drawRect CGRect rect CGContextRef myContext UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext..

Write to a File in Monotouch


File.WriteAllText will create a file and then write text to it. If the file already exists File.WriteAllText will overwrite it. File.WriteAllText filePath Howdy world. Now we prove it worked by reading the contents of the file and then printing..

How to test an iPhone application update?


and made sure that it had the same bundle identifier. As long as the bundle identifier is the same the new app should overwrite the previous version. We asked our testers to install the ad hoc build as they normally would by dragging it into itunes..

iPad keyboard will not dismiss if modal view controller presentation style is UIModalPresentationFormSheet


ipad uitextfield first responder share improve this question In the viewController that is presented modally just overwrite disablesAutomaticKeyboardDismissal to always return NO BOOL disablesAutomaticKeyboardDismissal return NO share improve..

how to write NSMutableDictionary into Plist


example Documents in the apps sandbox. Then find the path to that location if there is an existing pList file it will overwrite and use myDictionary writeToFile path atomically YES Write how far you are in the process and maybe some code error message.....

Trying to overwrite sqlite database in iPhone app update


to overwrite sqlite database in iPhone app update Unlike most sqlite apps where developers don't want to overwrite data in a sqlite.. to overwrite sqlite database in iPhone app update Unlike most sqlite apps where developers don't want to overwrite data in a sqlite database I'm trying to enable an app to overwrite all data with future updates. The sqlite database will.. most sqlite apps where developers don't want to overwrite data in a sqlite database I'm trying to enable an app to overwrite all data with future updates. The sqlite database will have the exact same name and have the same tables I just want to..

Displaying an EAGLView with transparent background on a UIImageView


can do this in NIB instead You can set the background Color in the NIB but you CANNOT set the opacity Apple seems to overwrite this var for GL views at initWithCoder Plus of course in your OpenGL code you need to clear to alpha 0.0. So wherever your..

Where would you place your SQLite database file in an iPhone app?


has been created in the users document folder on the iPhone's file system. If yes you don't do anything else you would overwrite it with the default Xcode SQLite copy If no then you copy the SQLite file there to make it writable. See the below code..

How to extend protocols / delegates in Objective-C


AVAudioPlayerDelegate . Do I make a category for it do I extend it If I extend it do I then also have to make sure to overwrite the actual delegate getter setter How would I extend the protocol The following gives me errors @protocol AudioTrackDelegate..

iCloud basics and code sample [closed]


misunderstanding of how iCloud is supposed to work. When I create a new instance of an UIDocument I'll have to overwrite two methods. First BOOL loadFromContents id contents ofType NSString typeName error NSError outError to get files from the..