

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:25

iphone Programming Glossary: overriding

How do I make UILabel display outlined text?


NSASCIIStringEncoding I just have a nagging feeling that I'm overlooking a simpler way to do this. Perhaps by overriding drawTextInRect but I can't seem to get drawTextInRect to bend to my will at all despite staring at it intently and frowning.. really hard. objective c iphone cocoa touch core graphics share improve this question I was able to do it by overriding drawTextInRect void drawTextInRect CGRect rect CGSize shadowOffset self.shadowOffset UIColor textColor self.textColor CGContextRef..

How do I add a gradient to the text of a UILabel, but not the background?


he used. If you still want to draw the gradient for your text color in code it can be done by subclassing UILabel and overriding drawRect to have code like the following within it CGContextRef context UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext CGContextSaveGState..

NSString: isEqual vs. isEqualToString


Why are classes adding isEqualTo methods isEqualToArray for NSArray isEqualToData for NSData ... instead of just overriding isEqual iphone cocoa share improve this question isEqual compares a string to an object and will return NO if the object..

Dragging an UIView inside UIScrollView


UITableView Core Data reordering


once they have pressed the Done button. When a user drags a row in your table you can update your display order by overriding the canMoveRowAtIndexPath and moveRowAtIndexPath methods BOOL tableView UITableView tableView canMoveRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath..

How does undo/redo basically work on iPhone OS?


shake gesture for undo. These view controllers will need to report back the undo manager to use for that controller by overriding the undoManager method NSUndoManager undoManager return MyDatabaseController sharedDatabaseController scratchpadContext..

How to set the width of a cell in a UITableView in grouped style


width share improve this question A better and cleaner way to achieve this is subclassing UITableViewCell and overriding its setFrame method like this void setFrame CGRect frame frame.origin.x inset frame.size.width 2 inset super setFrame frame..

Is it possible to configure a UITableView to allow multiple-selection?


For the iPhone is it possible to configure a UITableView such that it will allow multiple selection I've tried overriding setSelected animated for each UITableViewCell but trying to fudge the required behavior is tricky as it's difficult to separate..

Making a custom Button using a UIView or overriding UIButton?


a custom Button using a UIView or overriding UIButton I need to generate a custom button through code this is how i am currently doing it. void initialiseButtons int.. It sounds complicated and I am not grasping how it can be done. Is there a simpler method by making a custom class overriding UIButton I made a simple test class earlier but nothing was drawn in the buttons locations when I used them in place of..

Subclassing NSOperation to be concurrent and cancellable


the NSOperation start method since by default it simply invokes the main method. That is the method you should be overriding. The default start method already handles setting isExecuting and isFinished for you at the appropriate times. So if you..

Event handling for iOS - how hitTest:withEvent: and pointInside:withEvent: are related?


is returned eventually. However you might override hitTest withEvent to do something differently. In many cases overriding pointInside withEvent is simpler and still provides enough options to tweak event handling in your application. share improve..

Do I need to release xib resources?


of any other outlets so that they too can be deallocated. For UIViewController you can deal with this issue by overriding setView as follows void setView UIView newView if newView nil self.uiElement nil super setView aView Unfortunately this..

Do I always have to call [super viewDidLoad] in the -viewDidLoad method?


thought that's a must . Why should I call that anyways iphone viewdidload share improve this question If you are overriding the method you should still call the method in the super. Even if the super class is not doing anything with it today Apple..

iPhone hide Navigation Bar only on first page


when you press the back button on the UINavigationBar . Please note also that these are not delegate methods you are overriding UIViewController 's implementation of these methods and according to the documentation you must call the super's implementation..

tabbar item image and selectedImage


but I've seen this used multiple times on apps that were approved. It's not actually calling a private method just overriding one. If you need to specify different images for the selected and unselected image your best bet is probably to use the..

UITableViewCell: How to prevent blue selection background w/o borking isSelected property?


custom UITableViewCell subclass. I have set the contentView of my cell subclass to a custom UIView class in which i am overriding drawRect and doing all of the drawing there. Also I am setting cell.contentView.opaque NO in order to achieve transparency.. method does have the desired effect of preventing the blue gradient selection background but that seems very janky overriding UITableViewCell setSelected animated to be a no op. this does not have the desired effect of preventing the blue gradient..

Way to make a UIButton continuously fire during a press-and-hold situation?


the duration that it is held down. Is this possible for a UIButton If not is this possible to do with a UIImageView by overriding a touch handling method in a certain way Actually before trying to do get this done with UIButton I had some UIImageViews..

Why do I have to call super -dealloc last, and not first?


wrong example void dealloc super dealloc viewController release window release Althoug in alsmost all other cases when overriding a method I would first call the super's method implementation in this case apple always calls super dealloc in the end...

iPhone - Is it possible to override silent mode or have a recursive alert sound with push notification?


the application. Any info or documentation would be appreciated. Thanks. iphone share improve this question Overriding the OS sound settings in this manner even if it were possible would surely result in rejection during the review stages..

drawTextInRect on UITextField not called


Can I give a UIToolBar a custom background in my iPhone app?


opacity of any UIBarButtons on it. iphone uitoolbar share improve this question Answering my own question here Overriding the drawRect function and creating an implementation of the UIToolbar does the trick @implementation UIToolbar CustomImage..

Overriding iPhone shutter sound through SDK


iPhone shutter sound through SDK In my iPhone app I am using the UIImagePickerController with source type UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera...

How can I display one UIView in landscape?


different view. Is there not a built in property or method to tell the system what orientation to display the view as Overriding the shouldautorotate... method does absolutely nothing so far as I can tell. The type of answer I would NOT appreciate is..

How do I get my AVPlayer to play while app is in background?


sharedInstance setCategory AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord error sessionError Pick any one of them 1. Overriding the output audio route UInt32 audioRouteOverride kAudioSessionOverrideAudioRoute_Speaker AudioSessionSetProperty kAudioSessionProperty_OverrideAudioRoute..

Show UITabBar when UIViewController pushed


in from the left while the new view is pushed from the right. This is clearly not desirable so we need to fix this. Overriding the layer action for the tab bar The thing is the default layer action the animation used when the tab bar appears again..

Add an event into iCal in iPhone application


all events that match the predicate. NSArray events self.eventStore eventsMatchingPredicate predicate return events Overriding EKEventEditViewDelegate method to update event store according to user actions. void eventEditViewController EKEventEditViewController..

Correct Singleton Pattern Objective C (iOS)?


sharedInstance void dealloc implement dealloc remove abort when refactoring for non singleton use. abort That is it. Overriding retain release retainCount and the rest is just hiding bugs and adding a bunch of lines of unnecessary code. Every line..

Overriding highlighted selection in UIPickerView


highlighted selection in UIPickerView I have a custom UIPickerView where I use UIView pickerView UIPickerView pickerView..