

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:25

iphone Programming Glossary: owns

HTML Content fit in UIWebview without zooming out


like so . iphone objective c uiwebview share improve this question Here's what you do In your UI controller that owns the web view make it a UIWebViewDelegate . Then where you set the URL to load set the delegate as the controller NSString..

what is the first step in (NSTimer release and invalidate)?


Once the timer has been added to the run loop there is no reason to keep a reference to it anymore since the run loops owns it. In this case as shown you would release the timer as soon as you add it to the run loop and then simply invalidate it.. ... You do not need to call timer release at all The convenience method adds the timer to the run loop which then owns it so you do not need to perform any memory management on the returned timer object. You would simply invalidate the timer..

NSManagedObjectContext performBlockAndWait: doesn't execute on background thread?


and moc performBloc both run on its private queue background or main . The important concept here is moc owns the queue not the other way around. Please correct me if I am wrong. Philip007 It is unfortunate that I phrased the answer..

What happens if I don't retain IBOutlet?


Will something bad happen I know in the second case the field is retained but does this make a different since the nib owns the field Will the field go away without the retain and under what circumstances The code in the first case works was wondering.. you must remember to release it and optionally retain the new one. At this point it is somewhat ambiguous as to whom owns this new text field because the memory management semantics are not contained within the setter. Now let's say a different..

Dragging an UIView inside UIScrollView


or in this case in subviews of subviews . 2 In my card class set exclusiveTouch to YES this tells the subview it owns the touches inside of it. After this I was able to drag around the cards and still scroll the subview. It's a lot simpler..

iPhone HTML5 App Scrolling Question


documented way to turn off bounce in a UIWebView. You can look at UIScrollView for bounce related methods. A UIWebView owns a UIScrollView but does not expose it. To prevent horizontal scrolling you just have to ensure that your web page fits within..

Disable touches on UIView background so that buttons on lower views are clickable


withEvent . By the time that is called the event dispatcher has already decided that your subtree of the hierarchy owns the event and won't look elsewhere. Instead override pointInside withEvent which is called earlier in the event processing..

what actually is File Owner and First Responder in iPhone SDK - xCode?


in iPhone SDK xCode iphone share improve this question The File Owner is an instantiated runtime object that owns the contents of your nib and it's outlets actions when the nib is loaded. It can be of any class you like take a look at.. owner nil options nil The owner parameter is particularly important. That's the runtime instance of a class that owns the contents outlets actions and objects of the nib being loaded. Hopefully that's clear. To see this at work create a brand..

How can I pop a view from a UINavigationController and replace it with another in one operation?


save it to a local variable before you lose access to it. You must retain and properly release self or the object who owns the method you are in will be deallocated causing strangeness. Once you do that prep then just pop and push as normal. This..

iOS Development: How can I prevent an iPad from running a universal app in iPad mode?


Family property set to iPhone so that should prevent it from showing up in the App Store as an iPad app but if anyone owns both an iPad and an iPhone then the app could end up synced to the iPad at which point it will just load the white screen..

how to implement my own zooming but still have access to the UIScrollView's scrolling?


but I would like to handle all the zooming and scaling myself. My current plan is to have a viewController that owns a UIView I'll call it view1 with multiple UIViews and UIScrollViews as children. Is it possible for view1 to handle all..

Retain Cycles: Why is that such a bad thing?


and you drop your reference to the root object then it will be deleted this means references it has to objects it owns will be dropped the objects being referenced will have their reference counts go to zero. They'll be deleted and the cascade..

Change UINavigationBar Height


Guide on View Controller Customizing the Navigation Bar Appearance In a navigation interface a navigation controller owns its UINavigationBar object and is responsible for managing it. It is not permissible to change the navigation bar object..

Possible to pass [self anyFunction] in blocks without __weak object (iOS 5 + ARC)


object retains its blocks and a block retains it's objects. So in both these cases the object which performs the block owns the block which also owns the object. So you have a loop a retain cycle. which means the memory is leaked. In the example.. and a block retains it's objects. So in both these cases the object which performs the block owns the block which also owns the object. So you have a loop a retain cycle. which means the memory is leaked. In the example you have given you're looking..

Best practices for handling user preferences in an iPhone MVC app?


make an NSOjbect derived class to store them an OptionsModel Or maybe a simple NSDictionary would suffice Second who owns the options data They are application prefs but storing them in the AppDelegate seems wrong. MainViewController mostly cares..

Make UIViewController a singleton?


need to move the music controls back to the top . I would use a singleton MusicPlayerController view controller which owns the music player controls view. That way other view controllers can easily show or hide the controls. share improve this..