

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:25

iphone Programming Glossary: ownership

When should I release objects in -(void)viewDidUnload rather than in -dealloc?


been set through IBOutlets when loading from a nib or programmatically inside loadView for instance. The additional ownership of subviews by the UIViewController means that even when its view is removed from the view hierarchy and released to save.. its own outstanding retaining references to those objects as well. Releasing the UIViewController's additional ownership of these objects ensures they will be deallocated as well to free memory. The objects that you release here are usually..

Objective-C 101 (retain vs assign) NSString


C. Scope rules have nothing to do with an object's lifetime the retain count is everything. You usually need to claim ownership of your instance variables. See the Objective C memory management rules . With a retain property your property setter claims.. instance variables. See the Objective C memory management rules . With a retain property your property setter claims ownership of the new value and relinquishes ownership of the old one. With an assign property the surrounding code has to do this.. management rules . With a retain property your property setter claims ownership of the new value and relinquishes ownership of the old one. With an assign property the surrounding code has to do this which is just as mess in terms of responsibilities..

Disabling iPhone screenshot feature


through a configuration profile iphone screenshot share improve this question if your customer could retain the ownership of a handset they can restrict Screen Capture feature using iPhone Configuration Utility . Make sure you don't give these..

What exactly must I do in viewDidUnload?


them again later. If this happens it also calls the viewDidUnload method to give your code a chance to relinquish ownership of any objects that are associated with your view hierarchy including objects loaded with the nib file objects created in..

Retain/release pattern for UIPopoverController, UIActionSheet, and modal view controllers?


release pattern for UIPopoverController UIActionSheet and modal view controllers I'm somewhat unclear on the object ownership patterns required for the following instances. When my UIViewController presents a popover controller an action sheet or.. to that child controller until it's been dismissed In other words do the following lines of code effectively transfer ownership or not aPopoverController presentPopoverFromBarButtonItem someButtonItem permittedArrowDirections UIPopoverArrowDirectionAny.. a slight different memory management owning. Present a popover does not retain the memory so you can't transfer the ownership of your popviewcontroller to the presenting object. To avoid memory leak you have to adopt the UIPopoverControllerDelegate..

how to create custom tableViewCell from xib


@implementation EditCell @synthesize editRow #pragma mark #pragma mark View lifecycle void viewDidUnload Relinquish ownership of anything that can be recreated in viewDidLoad or on demand. For example self.myOutlet nil self.editRow nil @end in my..

Repeating NSTimer, weak reference, owning reference or iVar?


selector @selector updateDisplay userInfo nil repeats YES I understand that when created the runloop takes ownership of the NSTimer and ultimately stops removes and releases the NSTimer when ti invalidate is called. By virtue of the fact..

Why does this create a memory leak (iPhone)?


valid at the calling location in dealloc or causes other side effects you have a bug by calling the accessor. 2 Object ownership rules in Cocoa are very simple if you call a method that has alloc or copy in its signature or use NSObject new which is.. equivalent to NSObject alloc init then you own the object that is returned and you must balance your acquisition of ownership with a release . In all other cases you do not own the object returned from a method. If you want to keep it you must take..

Do I need to release xib resources?


is needed again . In this situation you want to make sure that when the main view is disposed of you also relinquish ownership of any other outlets so that they too can be deallocated. For UIViewController you can deal with this issue by overriding..

Transferring ownership of an iPhone app on the app store


ownership of an iPhone app on the app store My team and I have an app which we're going to be submitting to the store pretty soon.. we'll be selling the app to another company in the near future. Does anyone have any experience with moving an app's ownership to another account Specifically when I sell an app to another company... ... how do we move the app to their account what's..