

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:33

iphone Programming Glossary: persisted

Store But Don't Save NSManagedObject to CoreData?


you are dealing with CoreData all add modify delete actions occur in the NSManagedObjectContext but changes are not persisted to disk until you call 'save' on that context. So the answer is yes this is the behavior you should already be getting...

Core Data could not fullfil fault for object after obtainPermanantIDs


of permanent IDs. It is OK to discard the MOC. The disk is hit and the metadata is changed but the objects are not persisted. Honestly I did not do a large test to see if there is any empty space as a result though so you may want to do that and..

Core Data: Quickest way to delete all instances of an entity


Service return anything less than 1 or ALL cars. The next time I open my application I want to refresh the Core Data persisted copy by calling the Web Service for all Cars again however to prevent duplicates I would need to purge all data in the local..

Easy way to see saved NSUserDefaults?


Write to a File in Monotouch


and you can see the folder structure your app will have access to on the phone. For storing files that you'd like persisted across app sessions your app's Documents folder is the spot. It's not your only choice for creating files but it's the right..

Why is NSUserDefaults not saving my values?


they won't. NSUserDefaults persists any changes periodically and if you terminate the process before they've been persisted they'll be gone. You can force the save by calling NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults synchronize Addendum In iOS4 this..

How to update SQLite DB on iPhone app update?


contains database schema changes new tables columns etc. . From what I have read files in the Documents directory will persisted on an app update meaning the existing database will still be intact after the update. My question is how do I replace the.. the database or better yet in the Defaults database. On startup your app will compare it's own version number with the persisted version number. If they differ then this is the first run after an update. If the persisted version number isn't there then.. version number with the persisted version number. If they differ then this is the first run after an update. If the persisted version number isn't there then obviously also this is the first run after an update. As for updating your database if it's..

CLLocationManager on iPhone Simulator fails with kCLErrorDomain Code=0


my code because I downloaded Locations sample code updated 2010 06 22 for iOS 4 from the dev center and the problem persisted. The app is suposed to enable an add button when it receives the first location update so users can track their locations..

Delete keychain items when an app is uninstalled


Where can I find a good example of a Core Data to-many relationship?


If you have just inserted a new Parent object then you already have a reference to it. If it is already been inserted persisted then you create a fetch with a predicate that will return the proper object. Once you have the correct Parent object you..

Stop reloading of web app launched from iPhone Home Screen


is to persist your web apps state using Javascript and HTML5 localStorage. When your web app is launched check for the persisted state and load it if available. You can read about using localStorage in Safari here http developer.apple.com library safari..

Need some help understanding transient properties in Core Data


caches of computed values because those instance variables could be erased at any moment. I know they won't be persisted on disk but I thought they would at least be persisted as long as I retained the object in memory. If that's the case then.. variables could be erased at any moment. I know they won't be persisted on disk but I thought they would at least be persisted as long as I retained the object in memory. If that's the case then are you not intended to put application logic in your.. The unmodeled properties are attributes of the class only and do not show up in the entity and they are never persisted in Core Data. Changes to unmodeled properties go unnoticed by the context. Faults are placeholder objects that define an..

NSCoding VS Core data


without the need of writing SQL statements. In CoreData you define your classes and each instance of the class can be persisted i.e. you can get back the values of the members of the object without having them always in the memory. This is a very convenient..